Uploaded by popular demand.
Note: I made this in one weekend a year ago, so the code is quite messy.
Full-visibility 4D renderer written in Haskell with Gloss. Inspired by the 4D Maze Game: https://www.urticator.net/maze/
Debian/Ubuntu-based Linux distributions:
sudo apt install freeglut3-dev haskell-stack
cd hypercube-4d
stack setup
stack build
Then use stack run
to run the program.
- 'g': Return to starting state
- 'b': Toggle debug view
- 'w','s': forward/backward
- 'a','d': left/right
- 'r','f': up/down
- 'q','e': in/out
- 'h','l': left/right
- 'k','j': up/down
- 'u','i': in/out