Episcan Perceptual Model (Ice perception + mapping) Simon J. Bloch [email protected]
Install ROS, install octomap kinetic
Copy the following into your catkin_ws/src directory: - perceptual_model-devel - octomap_msgs-kinetic-devel - octomap_rviz_plugins-indigo-devel
Copy the octomap-devel into your home directory or another dir - Update the octomap PATH variable to identify the location of octomap-devel
Compile octomap-devel (if not already compiled)
Compile your catkin workspace
All bag files are in run/bags -Change the directory in stereo_view.rviz to accommodate your path (e.g. home/jupiter/run/...)
-roslaunch playback.launch
(opens rviz window)
-rosbag play --clock -l bags/some_bagfile_name.bag
(plays bagfile)
-roslaunch dgi.launch
(processes bagfile and outputs dgi and dgip point clouds)
-roslaunch episcan.launch
(processes dgip point cloud into an episcan octomap
CODE ORGANIZATION: -Most code is in the perceptual_model-devel ROS package, in: octomap_server/src: - OctomapServer.cpp (main server code!) - dgi_server_node.cpp - dgip_server_node.cpp - rgb_server_node.cpp (for testing)
- OctomapServer.h (contains sensor model function! called in .cpp file)
- extra_point_types.h (definition of dgi point)
-supplemental RVIZ code and other stuff is in the other packages
- occupancy_grid_display.cpp
-EpiscanOcTree code is in octomap-devel
CURRENT KNOWN BUGS: -There is an issue with transforms not being adequately published because some of the recorded topics in the bagfiles don't have specified frame_ids (due to a problem in the sensor-side code)
-There's probably other stuff I missed--please don't hesistate to email me! ([email protected])