This repository presents the solution of team nigula in GenChal 2022 shared task dedicated to the feedback comment generation for writing learning. Feedback comment generation is a task where, given an input text, a system generates hints or explanatory notes that help language learners improve their writing skills.
The model is trained to generate a feedback to sucf errors as misuse of prepositions and other writing items such as discourse and lexical choice.
!pip install feedback_generation_nigula
from feedback_generation_nigula.generator import FeedbackGenerator
fg = FeedbackGenerator(cuda_index = 0)
text_with_error = "The smoke flow my face ."
error_span = (10,17)
fg.get_feedback([text_with_error ], [error_span ])
# expected output ["When the <verb> <<flow>> is used as an <intransitive verb> to express'' to move in a stream'', a <preposition> needs to be placed to indicate the direction"]
The main feature of our solution was special method for augmentation of the initial dataset. Our approach to augmentation consists of two parts. First, we cut the initial sentence by the last word which is syntactically related to the words withn error span. Second, we use the rest of the text as a prompt to the language model so it generates an alternative end to the sentence with a given prefix.
Below is the function which truncate the sentence in such way that the words related to the error are kept and everything after them is skipped.
from feedback_generation_nigula.augment import get_smart_truncated_string
text = 'They can help their father or mother about money that we must use in the university too .'
offset = [37, 42]
truncated_text = get_smart_truncated_string(text, offset)
# expected output 'they can help their father or mother about money'
The truncated text is used as a prompt to a large pretrained language model and new sentences with slightly different content but with similar error are obtained.
from feedback_generation_nigula.augment import Augmenter
aug = Augmenter(cuda_index = 0, model_name = "EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B")
# the model here is quiet big (EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B) so it is recommended to launch this with GPU on the machine with big RAM.
# You can also use an alternative language model which fits your machine
# To select a different model use `model_name` variable when initializing Augmenter class
aug.augment(truncated_text, is_text_truncated = True)
aug.augment(text, is_text_truncated = False, err_word_offset = offset)
rank | Participant ID | Precision | Recall | F1.0 |
1 | ihmana | 0.6244 | 0.6186 | 0.6215 |
2 | nigula (ours) | 0.6093 | 0.6093 | 0.6093 |
3 | TMUUED | 0.6132 | 0.6047 | 0.6089 |
The official results page is here
If you have any questions feel free to drop a line to Nikolay