##Challenge #1: Open Source Target Marketing Solution (Open Data Delaware)
Solve For: Local retail businesses that want to better understand local market expansion but lack access to existing business intelligence tools.
Example Solution Direction: Create a web app to inform local business expansion based on open data publicly available trends.
Use-Case Overview: Imagine that you are a retailer and are looking to grow your business by adding a new location. How could you make sure that you are choosing the optimal location for your expansion? You would already have a strong idea of who your target market is, particularly their demographic information. Create a tool that would allow for a small business to identify a location to expand based upon local demographic. Points for making something that could be shared with other communities with their own data and resources.
Possible Technical Needs: multiple data source integration; machine learning; database management; mapping; scoring and charting.
Here's some initial data sets to back it up:
[Census Block Groups link] (http://opendata.firstmap.delaware.gov/datasets/6c95a0786d3e4b46a473ec32004b47ba_0?mapSize=map-maximize)
[Census Tracts link] (http://opendata.firstmap.delaware.gov/datasets/7c4f8cbac54a4e8686d104aefdcdf66e_1?mapSize=map-maximize)
[CitySDK link] (https://uscensusbureau.github.io/citysdk/)
Presenting Subject Matter Expert: David Ginzberg, Open Data Delaware, [email protected]