In the working directory of your python script
mkdir acad_patents
cd acad_patents
git init
git remote add origin ''
git pull origin master
Install python dependencies:
python -m pip install requests bs4
from acad_patents.academics_and_patents import scholar
query = "black matter"
results = scholar(query)
Single output:
'title': 'Primordial black holes as dark matter',
'link': '',
'publish_data': {'authors': 'B Carr, F Kühnel, M Sandstad\xa0- Physical Review D, 2016',
'journal/conference': 'APS',
'site': ''},
'pdf': {'site': '', 'link': ''},
'partial_summary': 'The possibility that the dark matter comprises primordial black holes (PBHs) is considered, with particular emphasis on the currently allowed mass windows at 1 0 16–1 0 17 g, 1 0 20–1 0 24 g and 1–1 0 3 M⊙. The Planck mass relics of smaller evaporating PBHs are also\xa0…',
'citations': '551',
'versions': '9'
from acad_patents.academics_and_patents import patents
query = "broom"
results = patents(query)
Single output:
'title': 'Versatile construction broom holder',
'link': '',
'cited_link': '',
'inventors': [{'name': 'Chester C. LeVere, Jr.',
'google_inventor_search_link': ',+Jr.%22'},
{'name': 'Levere Jr Chester C',
'google_inventor_search_link': ''}],
'partial_description': 'An improved broom holder to finish newly laid concrete surfaces is provided having a collar designed to accept a number of different commerically available\xa0...',
'status': 'Grant',
'filing_date': '15-Jun-1988',
'issued_date': '28-Nov-1989',
'published_date': ''