Please prepare your host system with the toolchain. Please see for the host setup.
The current application supports ESP32 based simple_alexa board (
If you already have the pre-compiled images flashed on the board, please jump to the next section (Device Configuration).
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd esp-idf; git checkout release/v3.1
$ git clone
$ cp -r esp32-simple-alexa esp-avs-sdk/examples/
$ cd esp-avs-sdk/examples/simple_alexa
$ export IDF_PATH=/path/to/esp-idf
$ export ESPPORT=/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART (or /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyUSB1 on Linux)
$ make -j 8 flash monitor
Please use the android app available here to configure the WIFI credentials and to associate Amazon Login with the device.
To Enabling AWS IoT platform on ESP32 follow below steps:
- Enable Amazon Web Services IoT Platform
make menuconfig -> Component config -> Amazon Web Services IoT Platform
- Enter AWS IoT Endpoint Hostname
make menuconfig -> Component config -> Amazon Web Services IoT Platform -> AWS IoT Endpoint Hostname -> Enter the hostname
Copy certificate file (certificate.pem.cert and private.pem.key) to examples/simple_alexa/main/certs/ folder appropriately to communicate with AWS endpoint.
Subscribe to "test_topic/esp32" on AWS Console to see the messages.
- When AWS is enabled, after provisioning the device takes time(15-20 sec) to connect to AWS.
- Once the board boots up and successfully connects to the Wi-Fi network after provisioning, you can say ALEXA and speak or use "ALEXA_SW" button on Simple_Alexa board for conversation. For Tap-to-Talk, press and release the button and speak.
- LED States:
- WHITE: ESP32 in Provisioning Mode
- CYAN: ESP32 in ALEXA Detection Mode
- GREEN: Wakeword/Tap-to-Talk detected and listening
- YELLOW: ALEXA Speaking
- You can connect any external speaker/headphone with 3.5mm connector to PHONE JACK to listen to responses.
- you can now ask any command like:
- tell me a joke
- how is the weather?
- will it rain today?
- Sing a song
- Play TuneIn radio
- Set volume level to 7
- Each time Alexa is detected the WakeWord count is incremented on AWS IoT console
- Press and Hold "ALEXA_SW" button for 5 seconds to reset the board to factory settings