This repository contains all of my common dotfiles configuration used used for my development setup. The repository is setup to be easily cloned to a ~/dotfiles
directory and use GNU stow
to setup symlinks on any new environment quickly.
Make sure you have GNU stow
installed to proceed with the following steps:
Once the repository is cloned in ~/dotfiles
will configure symlinks with the following format: <application Id>/<path where it will be created>
Use the stow
command with the application Id
you want to install:
stow nvim && stow profile && stow tmux && stow editorconfig && stow vimrc && stow vscode
To get the configuration working for tmux, follow these steps:
- Clone the tmux plugin manager repo
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
- Open a tmux session, then use
to trigger the tmux plugin install
My Neovim config uses lazygit as it's default git tool. To insall, make sure you update your arch packages using:
sudo pacman -Sy
Then install lazygit:
sudo pacman -S lazygit
mkdir -p ~/.fonts
curl -L --output ~/Downloads/
unzip ~/Downloads/ -d ~/.fonts
fc-cache -f -v