This is the demo server that handles dummy authentication. Check out the live version on Heroku here
These instructions should get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Things you need to get started:
- A recent version of Node running on your machine (10 or higher), check this link to download it.
- A cool text editor, I recommend using either VSCode or Atom(with the nuclide plugin)
To get the project running, follow these steps:
- Create a folder -Enter/Navigate into that folder
cd <folder-name>
- Clone this repository:
git clone .
- Install all the project's dependencies:
yarn or npm install
- Once that's done, run the project:
npm start or yarn start
The app can be deployed using either heroku or AWS, it is currently deployed on AWS and can be accessed at
- Javascript
- ExpressJS
- NodeJS
Please read the file (Soon to be added) to see how you can contribute and add more features to the project.
TODO: Add the Authors