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# Problem Solution Time Space Tag
1 Two Sum TypeScript O(n) O(n) Array, Hash Table
2 Move Zeroes TypeScript O(n) O(1) Array, Two Pointers
3 Valid Palindrome TypeScript O(n) O(n) String, Two Pointers
4 Summary Ranges TypeScript O(n) O(n) Array
5 Merge Two Sorted Lists TypeScript O(n + m) O(1) Linked List, Recursion
6 Squares of a Sorted Array TypeScript O(n) O(n) Array, Two Pointers, Sorting
7 Reverse Linked List TypeScript O(n) O(1) Linked List, Recursion
8 Valid Parentheses TypeScript O(n) O(n) String, Stack
9 Maximum Product of Three Numbers TypeScript O(nlogn) O(1) Array, Math, Sorting
10 Maximum Average Subarray I TypeScript O(n) O(1) Array, Sliding Window
11 Intersection of Two Arrays II TypeScript O(n + m) O(min(n, m)) Array, Hash Table, Two Pointers, Binary Search, Sorting
12 Valid Palindrome II TypeScript O(n) O(1) Two Pointers, String Greedy


# Problem Solution Time Space Tag
1 String Compression TypeScript O(n) O(n) Two Pointers, String
2 Add Two Numbers TypeScript O(n) O(1) Linked List, Math, Recursion
3 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) TypeScript O(1) O(n) Array, Hash Table, Math, Design, Randomized
4 Group Anagrams TypeScript O(n*k log(k)) O(n*K) Array, Hash Table, String, Sorting
5 Subarray Sum Equals K TypeScript O(n) O(n) Array, Hash Table, Prefix Sum
6 Merge Intervals TypeScript O(n log n) O(n) Array, Sorting
7 Top K Frequent Words TypeScript O(n log n) O(n + k) Hash Table, String, Trie, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue), Bucket Sort, Counting
8 Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element TypeScript O(n) O(1) Array, Dynamic Programming, Sliding Window
9 Maximize Distance to Closest Person TypeScript O(n) O(1) Array
10 Find the Prefix Common Array of Two Arrays TypeScript O(n) O(n) Array, Hash Table
11 Find All Anagrams in a String TypeScript O(n) O(1) Hash Table, String, Sliding Window
12 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal TypeScript O(n) O(n) Tree, Breadth-First, Search, Binary Tree
13 Number of Islands TypeScript O(m * n) O(m * n) Array, Depth-First, Search Breadth-First Search, Union Find, Matrix


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