- Developpez 🌟 - Le club des développeurs et IT pro.
- Korben - Le blog geek et tech.
- dev.to - A community of software developers getting together to help one another out.
- FreeCodeCamp - Learn to code for free.
- The Hacker News - Cyber security news.
- linuxfr.org - Actualité du Logiciel Libre et de Linux.
- Hackernoon - Tech blog.
- Daily.dev 🌟 - A professional network for developers to learn, collaborate, and grow together 👩💻.
- Reddit - A network of communities based on people's interests, including tech.
- Le Journal Du Hacker - L'actualité de la communauté "hacker" et du logiciel libre.
- Humans Coders News - L'actualité des développeurs.
- Hacker News - A social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship.
- Feedly 🌟 - A single place to organize, read, and share all the content you need to succeed.
- NewsBlur - A personal news reader that brings people together to talk about the world.
- FreshRSS - A free, self-hostable aggregator.
- FreeCodeCamp 🌟 - Official YouTube channel for FreeCodeCamp.org with free programming tutorials.
- Underscore_ - Replay des lives et vidéos de la chaîne Twitch Underscore_.
- cocadmin - Sysadmin de l'extrême 🔥.
- Alex Xu 🌟 - Co-Founder of ByteByteGo | Author of the bestselling book series - ‘System Design Interview’.
- Mehdi Zed - Sr. Software Engineer at Electronic Arts.
- Angry Tom - Consultant & AI educator.
- Underscore_ 🌟 - Le talk-show des passionnés de l'IT ➡️ 1 mercredi sur 2 à 19h sur twitch.tv/micode 🎙 Hacking, Dev, IA, Entrepreneuriat 🧑💻.
- RomainLanz - AdonisJS core member.
- devgirl_ - 👩💻 Web Dev.
- topklean - Architecte SI technique.
- llcoolchris_ - Senior Software Engineer.
- Twidi_Angel - Développeur Python.
- Yorzian - Expert Linux | Formateur | Vulgarisateur.
- De Quoi Je Me Mail 🌟 - Le podcast qui parle de l'actualité du web et de la tech.
- Underscore_ - La version podcast du talk-show des passionnés de l'IT.
- Humans Coders Podcast - Le podcast des développeurs.
- JS Party - A community celebration of JavaScript and the web.
- The Stack Overflow Podcast - The official Stackoverflow Podcast.