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sano-jin committed Jul 7, 2024
1 parent 1853b95 commit 669da17
Showing 1 changed file with 291 additions and 2 deletions.
293 changes: 291 additions & 2 deletions docs/assets/prooftree.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,291 @@
(function(x,T){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?T(exports):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports"],T):(x=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:x||self,T(x.index={}))})(this,function(x){"use strict";const T=()=>{const e=Array.from(document.body.getElementsByTagName("P")).filter(n=>n.innerText.includes("\\begin{prooftree}"));console.log("nodes",e),console.log(>N(n))),e.forEach(n=>w(n))},w=t=>{const e=N(t);if(!e){console.log("cannot find fragment");return}const n=R(e);if(console.log(n),!n){console.log("parsing error");return}const r=S(n);if(!r){console.log("parsing error");return}e==null||e.nodeList.slice(1).forEach(o=>{var i;return(i=o.parentNode)==null?void 0:i.removeChild(o)}),console.log(r);const s=O(r);t.insertBefore(e==null?void 0:e.beforeTextNode,e==null?void 0:e.nodeList[0]),t.insertBefore(s,e==null?void 0:e.nodeList[0]),t.insertBefore(e==null?void 0:e.afterTextNode,e==null?void 0:e.nodeList[0]),t.removeChild(e==null?void 0:e.nodeList[0]),setTimeout($,0),t.innerText.includes("\\begin{prooftree}")&&w(t)},C=(t,e)=>{let n=-1,r=-1;for(let l=0;l<e.length;l++)if(e[l].nodeType===Node.TEXT_NODE){const u=e[l].nodeValue.indexOf(t);if(u!==-1){console.log(t),r=l,n=u;break}}if(n===-1)return null;const s=e[r].nodeValue,o=s.slice(0,n),i=s.slice(n+t.length),c=document.createTextNode(o),f=document.createTextNode(i);return[r,c,f]},N=t=>{const e=Array.from(t.childNodes),n=C("\\begin{prooftree}",e);if(n===null)return null;const[r,s,o]=n,i=e.slice(r),c=[...i];c.splice(0,1,o);const f=C("\\end{prooftree}",c);if(f===null)return null;const[l,u,a]=f,d=i.slice(0,l+1),y=c;y.splice(l,c.length-l,u);const h=y.filter(L=>L.nodeType!==Node.COMMENT_NODE),p={nodeList:d,prtrNodeList:h,beforeTextNode:s,afterTextNode:a};return console.log(p),p},I=t=>{t[0].nodeValue=t[0].nodeValue.trimStart()},P=t=>{const e=t[0].nodeValue.indexOf(`
`);if(e!==-1)return t[0].nodeValue=t[0].nodeValue.substring(e+1),!0;for(t.shift();t.length>0;)if(t[0].nodeType!==Node.TEXT_NODE)t.shift();else return P(t);return!1},m=(t,e)=>{const n=t[0].nodeValue,r=n.indexOf("}");if(r!==-1){const s=document.createTextNode(n.slice(0,r));return t[0].nodeValue=n.substring(r+1),e.push(s),e}else{for(e.push(t.shift());t.length>0;)if(t[0].nodeType!==Node.TEXT_NODE)e.push(t.shift());else return m(t,e);return null}},R=t=>{const e=t.prtrNodeList;let n=[],r=20;for(;e.length>0&&r-- >0&&(I(e),e.length!==0);){if(e[0].nodeType!==Node.TEXT_NODE)return null;const s=e[0].nodeValue;if(s.startsWith("%")){if(e[0].nodeValue=s.substring(1),console.log("consumeComments"),!P(e))return null}else if(s.startsWith("\\AXC{")){e[0].nodeValue=s.substring(5);const o=m(e,[]);if(o===null)return null;n.push({type:"AXC",body:o})}else if(s.startsWith("\\UIC{")){e[0].nodeValue=s.substring(5);const o=m(e,[]);if(o===null)return null;n.push({type:"UIC",body:o})}else if(s.startsWith("\\BIC{")){e[0].nodeValue=s.substring(5);const o=m(e,[]);if(o===null)return null;n.push({type:"BIC",body:o})}else if(s.startsWith("\\TIC{")){e[0].nodeValue=s.substring(5);const o=m(e,[]);if(o===null)return null;n.push({type:"TIC",body:o})}else if(s.startsWith("\\QuaternaryInfC{")){e[0].nodeValue=s.substring(16);const o=m(e,[]);if(o===null)return null;n.push({type:"QuaternaryInfC",body:o})}else if(s.startsWith("\\RightLabel{")){e[0].nodeValue=s.substring(12);const o=m(e,[]);if(o===null)return null;n.push({type:"RightLabel",body:o})}else if(e[0].nodeValue.length===0)console.log("oghi"),e.shift();else return console.log("error1",e[0].nodeValue),null}return console.log("reached"),n},b=(t,e,n)=>{const r=t[0];if(!r)return null;let s=[];r.type==="RightLabel"&&(t.shift(),s=r.body);const o=[];for(let i=0;i<n;i++){const c=E(t);if(!c)return null;o.push(c)}return{type:"Sequent",premises:o.reverse(),rightLabel:s,conclusion:e}},E=t=>{const e=t.shift();if(!e)return null;switch(e.type){case"AXC":return{type:"Axiom",axiom:e.body};case"UIC":return b(t,e.body,1);case"BIC":return b(t,e.body,2);case"TIC":return b(t,e.body,3);case"QuaternaryInfC":return b(t,e.body,4)}return null},S=t=>{const e=E(t.reverse());return t.length>0?null:e},g=(t,e)=>{const n=document.createElement("div");return n.classList.add("prtr-"+t),"max-content",e.forEach(r=>n.appendChild(r)),n},A=t=>{switch(t.type){case"Axiom":return g("axiom",t.axiom);case"Sequent":return g("sequent",[g("premises",,g("horizontal-rule",[g("right-label",t.rightLabel)]),g("conclusion",t.conclusion)])}},O=t=>g("proof-tree",[A(t)]),W=t=>t.reduce((e,n)=>e+n,0),V=t=>{switch(t.type){case"PSAxiom":{"20px";return}case"PSSequent":{console.log(t);const e=t.prtrStyleAux;`${e.w}px`,`${e.mlp}px`,`${e.whr}px`,`${e.mlhr}px`,`${e.mrhr}px`,`-${e.widthL}px`,`${e.widthC}px`,`${e.mlc}px`,t.premises.forEach(V);return}}},B=t=>{if(t.classList.contains("prtr-axiom")){const e=t.offsetWidth+40;return console.log("axiom",e),{type:"PSAxiom",prtrStyleAux:{w:e,whr:e,mlc:0,mrc:0,mlhr:0,mrhr:0,widthC:e,widthL:0,mlp:0},node:t}}else if(t.classList.contains("prtr-sequent")){const e=t.children[0],n=t.children[1],r=n.children[0],s=t.children[2],o=Array.prototype.slice.apply(e.children),i=s.children[0].offsetWidth+20*2;console.log("widthC",i);const c=r.offsetWidth+10,,>a.prtrStyleAux);o.length===0&&console.log("error: empty premises",o);const u=W(>a.w))+20*(l.length-1)-l[0].mlc-l[l.length-1].mrc;if(console.log("wpc",u),u>i){const a=u,d=l[0].mlc,y=d+(u-i)/2;console.log("mlc",y);const h=Math.max(l[l.length-1].mrc,c),p=h+(u-i)/2;return{type:"PSSequent",prtrStyleAux:{w:a+d+h,whr:a,mlc:y,mrc:p,mlhr:d,mrhr:h,widthC:i,widthL:c,mlp:0},premises:f,node:t,nodePremises:e,nodeHR:n,nodeLabel:r,nodeConclusion:s}}else{const a=i,d=Math.max(l[0].mlc-(i-u)/2,0);console.log("mlc",d);const y=Math.max((i-u)/2-l[0].mlc,0),h=d;console.log("mlc",h);const p=Math.max(l[l.length-1].mrc-(i-u)/2,c),L=p;return{type:"PSSequent",prtrStyleAux:{w:a+d+p,whr:a,mlc:h,mrc:L,mlhr:d,mrhr:p,widthC:i,widthL:c,mlp:y},premises:f,node:t,nodePremises:e,nodeHR:n,nodeLabel:r,nodeConclusion:s}}}else throw console.log("error"),new RangeError},$=()=>{const t=Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("prtr-proof-tree"));console.log(t),t.forEach(e=>{const n=B(e.children[0]);V(n)})};x.renderProofTrees=T,Object.defineProperty(x,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})});
const $ = () => {
const e = Array.from(
(n) => n.innerText.includes("\\begin{prooftree}")
console.log("nodes", e), console.log( => w(n))), e.forEach((n) => L(n));
}, L = (t) => {
const e = w(t);
if (!e) {
console.log("cannot find fragment");
const n = B(e);
if (console.log(n), !n) {
console.log("parsing error");
const r = I(n);
if (!r) {
console.log("parsing error");
e == null || e.nodeList.slice(1).forEach((o) => {
var i;
return (i = o.parentNode) == null ? void 0 : i.removeChild(o);
}), console.log(r);
const s = R(r);
t.insertBefore(e == null ? void 0 : e.beforeTextNode, e == null ? void 0 : e.nodeList[0]), t.insertBefore(s, e == null ? void 0 : e.nodeList[0]), t.insertBefore(e == null ? void 0 : e.afterTextNode, e == null ? void 0 : e.nodeList[0]), t.removeChild(e == null ? void 0 : e.nodeList[0]), setTimeout(W, 0), t.innerText.includes("\\begin{prooftree}") && L(t);
}, b = (t, e) => {
let n = -1, r = -1;
for (let l = 0; l < e.length; l++)
if (e[l].nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
const u = e[l].nodeValue.indexOf(t);
if (u !== -1) {
console.log(t), r = l, n = u;
if (n === -1) return null;
const s = e[r].nodeValue, o = s.slice(0, n), i = s.slice(n + t.length), c = document.createTextNode(o), h = document.createTextNode(i);
return [r, c, h];
}, w = (t) => {
const e = Array.from(t.childNodes), n = b("\\begin{prooftree}", e);
if (n === null) return null;
const [r, s, o] = n, i = e.slice(r), c = [...i];
c.splice(0, 1, o);
const h = b("\\end{prooftree}", c);
if (h === null) return null;
const [l, u, a] = h, d = i.slice(0, l + 1), m = c;
c.length - l,
const f = m.filter(
(x) => x.nodeType !== Node.COMMENT_NODE
), p = {
nodeList: d,
prtrNodeList: f,
beforeTextNode: s,
afterTextNode: a
return console.log(p), p;
}, V = (t) => {
t[0].nodeValue = t[0].nodeValue.trimStart();
}, C = (t) => {
const e = t[0].nodeValue.indexOf(`
if (e !== -1)
return t[0].nodeValue = t[0].nodeValue.substring(e + 1), !0;
for (t.shift(); t.length > 0; )
if (t[0].nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) t.shift();
return C(t);
return !1;
}, g = (t, e) => {
const n = t[0].nodeValue, r = n.indexOf("}");
if (r !== -1) {
const s = document.createTextNode(n.slice(0, r));
return t[0].nodeValue = n.substring(r + 1), e.push(s), e;
} else {
for (e.push(t.shift()); t.length > 0; )
if (t[0].nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) e.push(t.shift());
return g(t, e);
return null;
}, B = (t) => {
const e = t.prtrNodeList;
let n = [], r = 20;
for (; e.length > 0 && r-- > 0 && (V(e), e.length !== 0); ) {
if (e[0].nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) return null;
const s = e[0].nodeValue;
if (s.startsWith("%")) {
if (e[0].nodeValue = s.substring(1), console.log("consumeComments"), !C(e)) return null;
} else if (s.startsWith("\\AXC{")) {
e[0].nodeValue = s.substring(5);
const o = g(e, []);
if (o === null) return null;
n.push({ type: "AXC", body: o });
} else if (s.startsWith("\\UIC{")) {
e[0].nodeValue = s.substring(5);
const o = g(e, []);
if (o === null) return null;
n.push({ type: "UIC", body: o });
} else if (s.startsWith("\\BIC{")) {
e[0].nodeValue = s.substring(5);
const o = g(e, []);
if (o === null) return null;
n.push({ type: "BIC", body: o });
} else if (s.startsWith("\\TIC{")) {
e[0].nodeValue = s.substring(5);
const o = g(e, []);
if (o === null) return null;
n.push({ type: "TIC", body: o });
} else if (s.startsWith("\\QuaternaryInfC{")) {
e[0].nodeValue = s.substring(16);
const o = g(e, []);
if (o === null) return null;
n.push({ type: "QuaternaryInfC", body: o });
} else if (s.startsWith("\\RightLabel{")) {
e[0].nodeValue = s.substring(12);
const o = g(e, []);
if (o === null) return null;
n.push({ type: "RightLabel", body: o });
} else if (e[0].nodeValue.length === 0)
console.log("oghi"), e.shift();
return console.log("error1", e[0].nodeValue), null;
return console.log("reached"), n;
}, T = (t, e, n) => {
const r = t[0];
if (!r) return null;
let s = [];
r.type === "RightLabel" && (t.shift(), s = r.body);
const o = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const c = N(t);
if (!c) return null;
return {
type: "Sequent",
premises: o.reverse(),
rightLabel: s,
conclusion: e
}, N = (t) => {
const e = t.shift();
if (!e) return null;
switch (e.type) {
case "AXC":
return { type: "Axiom", axiom: e.body };
case "UIC":
return T(t, e.body, 1);
case "BIC":
return T(t, e.body, 2);
case "TIC":
return T(t, e.body, 3);
case "QuaternaryInfC":
return T(t, e.body, 4);
return null;
}, I = (t) => {
const e = N(t.reverse());
return t.length > 0 ? null : e;
}, y = (t, e) => {
const n = document.createElement("div");
return n.classList.add("prtr-" + t), = "max-content", e.forEach((r) => n.appendChild(r)), n;
}, P = (t) => {
switch (t.type) {
case "Axiom":
return y("axiom", t.axiom);
case "Sequent":
return y("sequent", [
y("horizontal-rule", [y("right-label", t.rightLabel)]),
y("conclusion", t.conclusion)
}, R = (t) => y("proof-tree", [P(t)]);
const S = (t) => t.reduce((e, n) => e + n, 0), E = (t) => {
switch (t.type) {
case "PSAxiom": { = "20px";
case "PSSequent": {
const e = t.prtrStyleAux; = `${e.w}px`, = `${e.mlp}px`, = `${e.whr}px`, = `${e.mlhr}px`, = `${e.mrhr}px`, = `-${e.widthL}px`, = `${e.widthC}px`, = `${e.mlc}px`, t.premises.forEach(E);
}, A = (t) => {
if (t.classList.contains("prtr-axiom")) {
const e = t.offsetWidth + 40;
return console.log("axiom", e), {
type: "PSAxiom",
prtrStyleAux: {
w: e,
whr: e,
mlc: 0,
mrc: 0,
mlhr: 0,
mrhr: 0,
widthC: e,
widthL: 0,
mlp: 0
node: t
} else if (t.classList.contains("prtr-sequent")) {
const e = t.children[0], n = t.children[1], r = n.children[0], s = t.children[2], o = Array.prototype.slice.apply(e.children), i = s.children[0].offsetWidth + 20 * 2;
console.log("widthC", i);
const c = r.offsetWidth + 10, h =, l = => a.prtrStyleAux);
o.length === 0 && console.log("error: empty premises", o);
const u = S( => a.w)) + 20 * (l.length - 1) - l[0].mlc - l[l.length - 1].mrc;
if (console.log("wpc", u), u > i) {
const a = u, d = l[0].mlc, m = d + (u - i) / 2;
console.log("mlc", m);
const f = Math.max(l[l.length - 1].mrc, c), p = f + (u - i) / 2;
return {
type: "PSSequent",
prtrStyleAux: {
w: a + d + f,
whr: a,
mlc: m,
mrc: p,
mlhr: d,
mrhr: f,
widthC: i,
widthL: c,
mlp: 0
premises: h,
node: t,
nodePremises: e,
nodeHR: n,
nodeLabel: r,
nodeConclusion: s
} else {
const a = i, d = Math.max(l[0].mlc - (i - u) / 2, 0);
console.log("mlc", d);
const m = Math.max((i - u) / 2 - l[0].mlc, 0), f = d;
console.log("mlc", f);
const p = Math.max(l[l.length - 1].mrc - (i - u) / 2, c), x = p;
return {
type: "PSSequent",
prtrStyleAux: {
w: a + d + p,
whr: a,
mlc: f,
mrc: x,
mlhr: d,
mrhr: p,
widthC: i,
widthL: c,
mlp: m
premises: h,
node: t,
nodePremises: e,
nodeHR: n,
nodeLabel: r,
nodeConclusion: s
} else
throw console.log("error"), new RangeError();
}, W = () => {
const t = Array.from(
console.log(t), t.forEach((e) => {
const n = A(e.children[0]);
export {
$ as renderProofTrees

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