Anonymously share your salary stories, and help others to learn from your experiences.
If you submit a pull request and we don't respond to you within a week, please ping us either on GitHub, or, if you are a member of the JAA slack channel, via slack. Sometimes things fall through the cracks & we miss things!
We are trying to collect data about a number of different groups, not all of which we identify as. Therefore the terms that we use may not always be on point. If you feel that we have used incorrect language, please let us know by opening an issue or contacting us privately via email.
ruby version 2.2.2
rails version 4.2.3
Get the code from this repo
git clone
Install all the gems
bundle install
Spice up the database
rake db:migrate
Get some data
rake db:seed
Run the specs
rspec spec
Run the server
rails s
et voilá
Please contribute! Fix typos, submit issues, make PRs! We welcome everything.
Note: you will need permission from the rubycorns in order to push your branches to this repository. Until you have been granted permission, please fork this repository, and create a branch from your fork.
Create new branch (you should be in the directory of the project)
git branch Name_of_your_branch
Switch to the newly created branch (the same if you need to change to the branch that already exist)
git checkout Name_of_your_branch
Or do both steps at the same time:
git checkout -b Name_of_your_branch
Push the new branch to the repository (with some commits or just "bare" branch)
git push --set-upstream origin Name_of_your_branch
Delete local branch
git branch -D Name_of_your_branch
Make changes, then
git add -A
Tell the others what you did
git commit -m "description of changes"
Off to GitHub
git push
- Select your branch on GitHub.
- Click 'Pull Request'.
- Write a little summary of what you did and alert people if you need help. before merging.
- When you merge and close your branch, please make sure to include a ridiculous gif.