These codes are the MATLAB GUI for soundscape separation and event clustering. Please contact Harry Lin ([email protected]) if you have any question.
For initiating the the Soundscape Viewer, please run the soundscape_viewer.m and then a GUI will appear. Check the pdf manual for using the GUI. You can also check the demo.m for the detial of using the periodicity-coded nonnegative matrix factorization.
Reference: Lin et al. (2017) Improving biodiversity assessment via unsupervised separation of biological sounds from long-duration recordings. Scientific Reports, 7:4547. Lin et al. (2017) Computing biodiversity change via a soundscape monitoring network. PNC 2017 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings. DOI: 10.23919/PNC.2017.8203533.!AigsXgLDF7RIwrhSyHi2bT6WxYEMfQ