This repository is used to buiild a container for a simple HOP-based applet that sends a message every 30 seconds.
Several environment variables affect the behavior of the hopbeat-client:
- The name of the AWS secret containing the credentails for connecting to the HOP server. Default:dev-gcn2hop-hopcreds
- The region in which the secret is stored. Default:us-west-2
- The kafka URL that is the destination of hearbeat messages. Default:kafka://
- The number of seconds to sleep after sending a message before sending the next message. Default: 30.
Pushing to AWS ECR is handled via a github workflow. To push a container based on the current master branch to AWS ECR with version MAJOR.MINOR.RELEASE (e.g., "0.0.7") do:
git tag version-MAJOR.MINOR.RELEASE
git push origin version-MAJOR.MINOR.RELEASE
To lookup the version tags already in use:
aws ecr describe-images --repository-name scimma/hopbeat | jq '.imageDetails[].imageTags[]' | sort
- Maybe export some metrics to influxdb.
- Write a liveness testing script for use by the EKS deployment.
- Set delay from an environment variable instead of using a fixed 30 seconds.