If you start Wi-Fi hotspot on your android devices.Twittrouter is used to verify your wifi client by twitter friends. There's another similar project twittrouter for openwrt router,you can check it.
- jdk 1.6+
- ant(optional)
- Android SDK 17+
Eclipse(packed with android SDK) -> File -> import -> Existing Projects into Workspace.
ant debug
You can download the apk file here
- First,root permission required.
- This App requires fqrouter.If you have not installed,twittrouer will prompt to help you install or not
- start Wi-Fi hotspot or the function of fqrouter Wi-Fi Repeater
I wrote a blog about this App,you can check it
Thanks to the developer of fqrouter.This project is forked from fqrouter and also require it to cross GFW.