Replicate a PouchDB over a WebRTC DataChannel, for NodeJS and the Browser.
By using a WebRTC DataChannel, we can share data between browsers without storing the data on a centralized server.
Uses pouchdb-replication-stream for replicating PouchDB data.
This library can be used both on Serverside and on Clientside.
$ npm install --save pouch-replicate-webrtc
You can import the pouch-replicate-webrtc.min.js from the dist folder.
Alternatively, you can user Bower to install it:
$ bower install --save pouch-replicate-webrtc
Example using rtc-quickconnect:
var PouchDB = require('pouchdb');
var PouchReplicator = require('pouch-replicate-webrtc');
var quickconnect = require('rtc-quickconnect');
var pouchDb = new PouchDB('myDb');
var replicator = new PouchReplicator('replicator', pouchDb, {batch_size: 50});
replicator.on('endpeerreplicate', function() {
console.log('received data from replication');
quickconnect('', { room: 'qc-simple-demo' })
.on('channel:opened:replication', function(id, dc) {
replicator.addPeer(id, dc);
To build the Clientside version, you will need to run:
npm install
npm run browserify
MIT © Scott Dietrich