An official Screenshot API client for PHP.
It takes minutes to start taking screenshots. Just sign up to get access and secret keys, import the client, and you are ready to go.
The SDK client is synchronized with the latest screenshot API options.
composer require screenshotone/sdk:^1.0
Generate a screenshot URL without executing the request. Or download the screenshot. It is up to you:
// If you don't use Composer in your project, please, read
// You need the Composer autoloader to use the API SDK.
// ...
use ScreenshotOne\Sdk\Client;
use ScreenshotOne\Sdk\TakeOptions;
$client = new Client('<your access key>', '<your secret key>');
$options = TakeOptions::url("")
$url = $client->generateTakeUrl($options);
echo $url.PHP_EOL;
// expected output:
$image = $client->take($options);
file_put_contents('example.png', $image);
$ composer run-script tests
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
is released under the MIT license.