It is hard to get an appointment from Bürgerbüro Munich when you want to register your address.
One glitch is that sometimes appointments are opened but one needs to be constantly checking the website in order to find an available spot quickly.
Instead of constantly checking the website and wasting time, this project checks for the available spots. Depending on the date preferences notifications are set through discord web hook if a spot is found.
Open up the jupyter notebook, configure date preferences, chrome driver path and the discord webhook. Run the cell. To use gui, and the automatic registration, you need to update line 76 of "".
- Jupyter Notebook
- Discord Webhook
- Chrome uses too much memory, and program stops after 3-4 hours due to memory usage.
- The program is functional but not user friendly. Date preferences & webhook setup procedure can be improved.
- Automatic registration can be implemented.
!!! This project is only designed for personal usage. Profitting from this project is not allowed as it might put other people in a systematic disadvantage.