Use terraform to initialize a server, then deploy a web app with its database and API using ansible tool. This server is supposed to be secure (proper user permissions and fw deployed) and monitored by prometheus.
./bin/ source .venv/bin/activate
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml # fix pymongo error du to python 3.12.x ./bin/
Choice between Digital Ocean droplet and local Multipass VM (default) by changing the
boolean in./terraform/
# Loads `TF_VAR_CLOUD` and `TF_VAR_DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN` (get it from your digitalocean profile) source ./terraform/ # Install dependencies terraform -chdir=./terraform init # Deploy the vm/droplet and generate the "hosts" ansible file terraform -chdir=./terraform apply -auto-approve # Teardown terraform -chdir=./terraform destroy -auto-approve
ssh ubuntu@$(terraform -chdir=./terraform output -raw frontend_ip) -i ./terraform/id_rsa
ansible-playbook -i ./inventory playbooks/main.yml