- Developed a full-stack web application for managing Employee information with Express.js serving a REST API and with React as the front end
- Used MongoDB to store user and employee information
- Implemented ”Trust this Device” feature during login to handle Auth token expiry by fetching new Auth token using Refresh token stored in browser cookie
- Used Material UI library to style the front end
To run the project on your machine run the follwing commands in your terminal
git clone https://github.com/sg-prashanth-raju/Employee_Management-System_Frontend
cd Employee_Management-System_Frontend
npm install
npm start
git clone git clone https://github.com/sg-prashanth-raju/Employee_Management-System_Backend
cd Employee_Management-System_Backend
npm install
npm run dev
The MERN application is deployed on Render.
- On registering a new user, you will be assigned a user role which is allowed to fetch and view employee details
- For creating and editing employee details you need to have editor role. Credentials for editor role - Username:Naveen Password:N@veen123
- For deleting employee you need to have admin role. Credentials for editor role - Username:Prashanth Password:Raju123