Welcome to JourneyHub, your ultimate destination for seamless journey planning and organization!
Visit the live site: JourneyHub
JourneyHub is a comprehensive platform designed to simplify your travel planning experience. Whether you're embarking on a weekend getaway or a world tour, JourneyHub has everything you need to plan, organize, and track your journeys with ease.
- Login or Sign In: Users can authenticate via Google or GitHub or register for an account.
- Add Spot: Easily add new spots to your collection.
- Update or Delete: Users have the ability to update or delete spots they've added.
- View All Spots: Browse through all the spots added by users.
- Dark Theme: Enjoy a dark theme option for a personalized viewing experience.
- Sign up for a free account on JourneyHub.
- Explore the various features and tools available.
- Start planning your next adventure with ease!
Happy journey planning with JourneyHub!
- firebase: ^10.11.1
- lottie-react: ^2.4.0
- react: ^18.2.0
- react-awesome-reveal: ^4.2.8
- react-hook-form: ^7.51.3
- react-icons: ^5.1.0
- react-router-dom: ^6.23.0
- react-toastify: ^10.0.5
- sweetalert2: ^11.10.8
- swiper: ^11.1.1
- daisyui: ^4.10.2
- tailwindcss: ^3.4.3
- vite: ^5.2.0