i18n middleware for [email protected], use with sg-i18n, you need to use together with koa-locale.
npm i sg-koa-i18n -S
var app = require('koa')();
var locale = require('koa-locale');
var i18n = require('sg-koa-i18n');
// the locale key name defaults to `locale`
locale(app, 'language');
// add i18n middleware
app.use(i18n(app, {
directory: __dirname + '/fixtures/locales',
locales: ['zh-CN', 'en', 'zh-TW'],
defaultLocale: 'zh-CN',
mappings: {
'zh-HK': 'zh-TW'
modes: [
(ctx) => {
return ctx.headers['locale'];
// the, u can ust the i18n
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
// i18n instance
let i18n = ctx.i18n;
// translate
let msg = i18n.__('msg');
let msg2 = ctx.__('msg2');
// ctx.state.locale: object
ctx.body = ctx.i18n.__('locales.en')
// ctx.state.locale
ctx.state.locale = {
// the finnal used locale
locale: locale,
// the locale detected with modes, no mappings, no default,
detected: localeDetected,
// the detected locale of modes
map: whiteMap,
// the mode that locale detected from
use: use,
// support locales
locales: ['zh-CN'],
// default locale, must in locales
defaultLocale: 'zh-CN',
// the i18n data directory, absolute path
directory: '',
// the extension of the i18n data file,
// the data of file must be JSON format
extension: '.js',
// the mode to get locale from,
// search by order, use the first matched one
// example: ['Subdomain', 'Cookie', 'Header', 'Query', 'Url', 'TLD']
// https://github.com/koa-modules/locale
modes: ['url'],
// mappings other locales that not in locales to one of the locales
// example: {'zh-HK': 'zh-CN'}
mappings: {},
// clear the locale in path, so can match router later
// /zh-CN/xxx => /xxx
rewrite: true,
- modes
- locales
- mappings
- defaultLocale
- look at sg-i18n