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Custom Title Screen

shedaniel edited this page Jul 16, 2020 · 3 revisions

Slight Gui Modifications provide optional groovy scripting for Custom Title Screen.

Here's the default generated script

// Here is the groovy file for screen elements
info("Hello From 'Slight' Gui Modifications cts script")

mainMenu {
    enabled = false // Set to true to enable this module

    splashText {
        enabled = false // Set to true to enable this module
        splashesEnabled = true // Set to false to disable splashes entirely

        customSplashes {
            enabled = false // Set to true to enable this module
            // You can put either "override" or "append" here to declare how you want to provide custom splashes
            applyMode = "override"
            defineCustom(["Wood", "Potato", "Stone"])

    background {
        clearBackgrounds() // This line removes the rotating cube
        backgroundStayLength = 10000 // This sets the length a background would stay
        backgroundFadeLength = 10000 // This sets the fade duration to another background
        renderGradientShade = false // This sets whether the slight shade should be rendered
        image {
            texture = file("config/slightguimodifications/background.png") // Remember to use forward slash to support unix!
            texture = resource("slightguimodifications:background.png") // Here to use a resource location / identifier

    // Uncomment these to remove aspects of the title screen
    // removeMinecraftLogo()
    // removeEditionBadge()

    // Clear all buttons already on screen
    // clearAllButtons()

    // Clear all labels already on screen
    // clearAllLabels()

    label {
        position {
            x = 2
            y { it - 20 }

        // You can create a text with "literal" or "translatable" if you want to translate with Resource Packs
        text = literal("Custom Version Here!")
        // The alignment here can be "left", "center" or "right", default is "left"
        align = "left"
        // Color of the text, default is 0xFFFFFF
        color = 0xFFFFFF
        // Whether the label has a shadow, default is false
        shadow = true
        // Mouse Hovered Color of the text, default is 0xFFFFFF
        hoveredColor = 0xFFFFFF
        // Mouse Click Function, default is nothing, here's a list of options
        onClicked = nothing()
        onClicked = url("")
        onClicked = modMenu()
        onClicked = language()
        onClicked = options()
        onClicked = exit()
        onClicked = accessibility()
        onClicked = singleplayer()
        onClicked = multiplayer()
        onClicked = realms()
        onClicked = reloadCts()

    button {
        position {
            x = 5
            y = 5
        width = 200
        height = 20

        // Optional: custom textures
        texture = file("config/slightguimodifications/epic_button.png") // Remember to use forward slash to support unix!
        texture = resource("slightguimodifications:epic_button.png") // Here to use a resource location / identifier
        hoveredTexture = file("config/slightguimodifications/epic_button_hovered.png") // Remember to use forward slash to support unix!
        hoveredTexture = resource("slightguimodifications:epic_button_hovered.png") // Here to use a resource location / identifier

        // You can create a text with "literal" or "translatable" if you want to translate with Resource Packs
        text = literal("Random Button")
        // The alignment here can be "left", "center" or "right", default is "left"
        align = "left"
        // Mouse Click Function, default is nothing, look up see the list
        onClicked = nothing()
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