This is a collection of simple tutorials that explain how to use Data Grid in a straightforward way.
To build the tutorials you need:
- JDK 8
- Apache Maven 3.x
Compile and run each tutorial by invoking the following commands from its folder:
mvn -s /path/to/maven-settings.xml clean package
mvn -s /path/to/maven-settings.xml exec:exec
Note that the maven-settings.xml
file is available in the root directory of
this repository.
Tutorials that use remote caches require at least one Data Grid Server running locally.
Download the server distribution from the Red Hat customer portal and run:
./bin/ user create admin -p "password"
By default, Data Grid Server 8.2 requires authentication and requires users to have access permissions.
Creating a user named admin
gives you full access permissions for Data Grid Server.
Find more details about setting up authorization roles in Creating and Modifying Users