Harry Percival and Bob Gregory's Code Repository for the Book Note, the full contents of the book itself is available at this link.
git clone --branch chapter_01_domain_model https://github.com/cosmicpython/code.git
- APP - Arhictecture Patterns in Python
- Barky - a derivative of Dane Hillard's Bark app, transformed to follow along with Percival and Gregory's material
- FlaskSA - code related to Flask and SQLAlchemy.
- Testing - Separate Materials on Testing
- flask-tutorial - The Flask 2.0 tutorial. (new in 2022)
It may become necessary for you to encourage the Python and Pylance extensions on how to find your virtual environment in VSCode.
The following can be added to a 'settings.json' file to accompany your project:
"python.pythonPath": "/my/project/path/.venv/bin/python",
Some PyPi packages we are using:
- setuptools
- pytest
- coverage
Test-Driven Development with Python
There are four branches related to Barky that show the progression in Barky in consideration of the design principles we are studying.