- How to Build a Motivated Research Group
- How To Choose a Good Scientific Problem
- WaveLab and Reproducible Research
- A Multi-Language Computing Environment for Literate Programming and Reproducible Research
- Unix command line bootcamp
- Software carpentry lessons: Unix, git, programming, etc
- Practical Computing for biologists
- curated list of R tutorials and packages for Data Science, NLP and Machine Learning
- curated list of Python tutorials for Data Science, NLP and Machine Learning
- How to (re-) learn Python 3 as an advanced R programmer
- RNA-Seq: a revolutionary tool for transcriptomics - introduces RNA-sequencing.
- the Leek group guide to genomics papers
- Models, Inference & Algorithms (MIA): new Broad initiative to support learning and collaboration across the interface of biology and mathematics / statistics / machine learning / computer science.