by Daniel Pedersen
# generate a rsa keypair in ~/.ssh
# id_rsa contains your private key and should be kept secret at all costs
# contains your public key and can be shared without risk
# when prompted for password, leave it empty
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<email>"
# copy the public key to spartan to allow login with key instead of password
ssh-copy-id <username>
# configure ssh so you can just type "ssh spartan"
# this is just for convenience (I'm very lazy)
cd ~/.ssh
echo "Host spartan" > config
echo " Hostname" >> config
echo " User <username>" >> config
echo " IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa" >> config
# create a project folder that we will keep synced to spartan
cd ~
mkdir projects
# create a test project
cd projects
mkdir test-project
# sync everything to spartan
rsync -avz ./ spartan:~/projects
# go to projects directory
> cd ~/projects
# create r-test directory and cd into it
> mkdir r-test
> cd r-test
# create batch file and set executable permission
> touch run
> chmod +x run
Now let's create an R file, call it test.r
data <- c(1, 2, 3)
Now let's edit our batch script at ~/projects/R-test/run
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SBATCH --time <timeout>
# the first line sets up your environment and says this file is a bash script
# the second line sets flags for the batch job
# load the R command
module load R
# run R script in bash mode
srun Rscript test.r out.txt
Now, lets sync this project to spartan
> rsync -avz ~/projects/ spartan:~/projects
Then, login to spartan, and run the job
> ssh spartan
[spartan] > sbatch projects/r-test/run
There should be a file named out.txt
and slurm-XXXXXXX.out
placed in the directory.
is the output from R, and slurm-XXXXXXX.out
contains the output from the bash script.
To do this | Run this |
login to spartan | ssh spartan |
list a directory | ls -Al <dir> |
create a file | touch <filename> |
change permissions on a file | chmod <change> <filename> |
make a file executable | chmod +x <filename> |
sync projects to spartan | rsync -avz ~/projets/ spartan:~/projects |
show file contents | less <filename> |
run batch script on node | sbatch <filename> |
check run squeue | squeue -u <username> |
run command on node | srun <command or script> |