Personal job scheduler automating some operations on browser.
- Apply for IPO on SBI Securities / SBI証券サイトでのIPO申し込み
- Purchase Gold ETF on SBI Securities / 同、純金上場信託購入
- Entry point program on Shinsei Bank / 新生銀行のポイントプログラムエントリー
- Transfer repeatedly from SBI Sumishin Net Bank / 住信SBIネット銀行からの連続振込
- Check cancellation of Hara Museum ticket / 原美術館のキャンセルチェック
- Crowd Bankの残高が1万円以上か$100以上になったら通知
- GCP project
- Node.js
- yarn
gcloud services enable
cd /path/to/repo
Environment variables:
setup .env
file. Refer to .env.example
Only allow api call from cron job
# NOTICE: other app engine services may be effected
gcloud app firewall-rules update default --action=deny
gcloud app firewall-rules create 1 \
--action=allow \
for production test:
yarn build
yarn start
for local:
# run app
yarn dev
# debug each job. TODO: macOS apple arch
yarn debug apply-for-ipo
- Deploy app:
make deploy
- Deploy cron:
make cron
use secret manager for credential info