This is a C++ Project done at start of 2nd year of my Bachelor of Engineering. This projects aims to manage medical records at a medical center. It uses File system to store and retrieve data.
This project is for medical center of the college so assumpation is the patient can be two - Employee and Students.
Classes defined -
- name
- address
- rollno
- contactno
- branch
- year
- disease
- doctorsName
- noOfMedicines
- medicinesPrescribed
- delivered
- dateOfarrival
- name
- address
- empid
- contactno
- department
- dateofjoining
- disease
- doctorsName
- noOfMedicines
- medicinesPrescribed
- delivered
- dateOfarrival
Features it provides -
- Add a patient to the record
- Search a patient's record by rollno/empolyee id.
- Delete a patient by rollno/emplouee id from the record.
- Edit a patient's detail from the record.
- Display all the employee's data present in the record.
- Display all the student's data present in the record.