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Algorithm Sketch

Every atomic modal formula m is assigned a unique propositional variable s: We call s the propositional shadow of m. For any formula f[ m,..], the corresponding formula f[ s,..], with all atomic modal formulae replaced by their propositional shadows, is called the shadow of f[ m,..].

  • Step 1: The prover first replaces all occurrences of atomic modal formulae by propositional variables (even nested occurrences). Now we have a first-order problem.

  • Step 2: Call a first-order prover on this first-order problem.

  • Step 3: If the first-order prover fails, we expand the premises with any legal modal rule (via forward reasoning natural deduction) and repeat the process from Step 1. If the prover succeeds, we return true.


  • SBCL: if you are on linux, just run the command: sudo apt-get install sbcl, or if not look at their website:

  • Quicklisp: Follow the instructions on their website to install.

Running The Prover

To run Shadowprover using the standard DCEC input format, simply run the following command wherever you put the binary file: ./shadowprover-<OS type> <input prototypes, axioms, and conclusion> <[-f] or [-s]>

The argument string should be in this format, see the usage example for more details: "Prototypes: [prototypes] Axioms: [axioms] Conclusion: [conclusion]"

[-f] specifies to recognize the input as being in f notation, whereas [-s] specifies to recognize the input as s notation.

You also can specify a file with the necessary inputs in it. Usage of this is as follows: ./shadowprover-<OS type> <file-name> <[-f] or [-s]> --file

Usage Notes

  • TO COMPILE FROM REPL: Open an sbcl instance within the main DCECProver directory and run the command: (load (format NIL "~aloader.lisp" (namestring *default-pathname-defaults*)))

  • TO RUN WITHIN LISP: To run the converter from within an sbcl instance, make sure converter.lisp (found under the main directory) is loaded, and you are working in package :shadowprover by running (in-package :shadowprover).
    Then run (prove-dcec [input-string]) where [input string] is the input as you would provide them to the DCEC or the binary executable.

  • TO BUILD AN IMAGE: Open sbcl in terminal and run following commands: (load (format NIL "~aloader.lisp" (namestring *default-pathname-defaults*))) (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "shadowprover-linux" :toplevel #'shadowprover:main :executable t)

  • The entry point function within shadowprover is: (prove [list of Axioms] [list of conclusions])

  • Right now, there are only linux and mac binary executables, with windows not being supported.

  • Usage example:

./shadowprover- "Prototypes: typedef Function Object typedef Set Object Boolean w Object Boolean BigV Set Function Boolean isMember Object Set

Axioms: exists([Object x] implies(BigV(s,w_obj),and(isMember(x,s),w(x)))) BigV(s w_obj)

Conclusion: exists([Object x] w(x))" -f

On Snark...

While woring with Shadowprover, it may become necessary to understand the groundword on which it is built, i.e., Snark. If so, the link to the Snark user guide is below, godspeed:


An Exact Theorem Prover for a First-Order Modal Logic






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