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364 lines (298 loc) · 11 KB


Supported EVM Chains


  • Mainnet (1)
  • Optimism (10)
  • Gnosis (100)
  • Polygon (137)
  • Base (8453)
  • Arbitrum One (42161)


  • Arbitrum Goerli (421613)
  • Goerli (5)
  • BaseGoerli (84531)
  • Mumbai (80001)
  • Optimism Goerli (420)
  • Scroll Alpha Testnet (534353) [deprecated]
  • Sepolia (11155111)

Get your appId - (30 secs)

Before anything, go to the Sismo Factory and create your app. Once your app is created, make sure to get your appId.

Quick start - (1 min)

Chose and install the starter of your choice in one unique command line.

npx create-sismo-connect-app@latest
# or
npm create sismo-connect-app@latest
# or
yarn create sismo-connect-app

This command enables to you install one of the available starters:

  1. offchain: Sismo Connect + Next.js
    request ZK Proofs from users and verify them in a backend
  2. onchain: Sismo Connect + Next.js + Foundry + wagmi
    request ZK Proofs from users and verify them in a smart contract
  3. [Upcoming] onchain: Sismo Connect + Next.js + hardhat + ethers
    coming very soon, until then, head over the Manual Installation if you want to use Sismo Connect with hardhat

Feel free to check the Sismo Connect Cheatsheet, a great companion when developing an app using Sismo Connect.

{% hint style="success" %} We are here to support you on our builders telegram group {% endhint %}

Manual Installation

This section is intended for developers who have prior experience with incorporating new tools into their existing repositories.

Integrate Sismo Connect in Your Front End

Make a Sismo Connect Request, users will be redirected to their Data Vault to generate a ZK proof and send your front end a Sismo Connect Response.
This response, containing the ZK proof, will be verified on your back end/smart contract.

{% hint style="success" %} Check the Sismo Connect Cheatsheet to see examples of requests. {% endhint %}

  1. Install our React Library

{% tabs %} {% tab title="yarn" %}

yarn add @sismo-core/sismo-connect-react

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="npm" %}

npm install @sismo-core/sismo-connect-react

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

{% hint style="info" %} @sismo-core/sismo-connect-client is also available for non-React front ends. (docs) {% endhint %}

  1. Use our React Button to make Sismo Connect Requests
// Next.js
// in src/page.tsx 
"use client";

import {
} from "@sismo-core/sismo-connect-react";

export default function Home() {
  return (
        appId: "0xf4977993e52606cfd67b7a1cde717069", // replace with your appId
        vault: {
          // For development purposes insert the Data Sources that you want to impersonate here
          // Never use this in production
          impersonate: [
            // EVM
            // Github
            // Twitter
            // Telegram
        // displayRawResponse: true,
      // request proof of Data Sources ownership (e.g EVM, GitHub, twitter or telegram)
      auths={[{ authType: AuthType.GITHUB }]}
      // request zk proof that Data Source are part of a group
      // (e.g NFT ownership, Dao Participation, GitHub commits)
        // ENS DAO Voters
        { groupId: "0x85c7ee90829de70d0d51f52336ea4722" }, 
        // Gitcoin passport with at least a score of 15
        { groupId: "0x1cde61966decb8600dfd0749bd371f12", value: 15, claimType: ClaimType.GTE }
      // request message signature from users.
      signature={{ message: "I vote Yes to Privacy" }}
      // retrieve the Sismo Connect Reponse from the user's Sismo data vault
      onResponse={async (response: SismoConnectResponse) => {
        const res = await fetch("/api/verify", {
          method: "POST",
          body: JSON.stringify(response),
        console.log(await res.json());
      // reponse in bytes to call a contract
      // onResponseBytes={async (response: string) => {
      //   console.log(response);
      // }}

{% hint style="success" %} Check the Sismo Connect Cheatsheet to get a large set of interesting requests. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Learn more about Sismo Connect config and impersonation mode. {% endhint %}

Sismo Connect in Your Smart Contracts/Back Ends

Your back end/smart contract will receive a Sismo Connect Response forwarded from your front end that you must verify.

  1. Install the Sismo Connect Library

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Onchain - Verify in a Smart Contract " %} {% tabs %} {% tab title="Foundry (recommended)" %} {% hint style="info" %} Make sure to have Foundry installed. {% endhint %}

Install the Forge dependency:

forge install sismo-core/sismo-connect-solidity --no-commit

Add the remapping in remappings.txt:

echo $'sismo-connect-solidity/=lib/sismo-connect-solidity/src/' >> remappings.txt

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Hardhat" %}

# install the package
yarn add @sismo-core/sismo-connect-solidity

Import the library

In your Solidity file:

import "@sismo-core/sismo-connect-solidity/contracts/SismoConnectLib.sol";

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="Offchain - Verify in a Back End" %} Install the TypeScript library

{% tabs %} {% tab title="yarn" %}

yarn add @sismo-core/sismo-connect-server

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %} {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

  1. verify Sismo Connect responses sent from your front end

{% hint style="warning" %} The Sismo Connect configuration and request used in your smart contract/backend must exactly match those from your frontend. {% endhint %}

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Onchain - Verify in a Smart Contract " %}

// in src/Airdrop.sol of a Foundry project -
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

import "sismo-connect-solidity/SismoConnectLib.sol";

// This is a sample contract that shows how to use the SismoConnect library
contract Airdrop is SismoConnect {
    event ResponseVerified(SismoConnectVerifiedResult result);

                // replace with your appId from the Sismo factory
                // should match the appId used to generate the response in your frontend
                appId: 0xf4977993e52606cfd67b7a1cde717069,
                // For development purposes insert when using proofs that contains impersonation
                // Never use this in production
                isImpersonationMode: true

    function verifySismoConnectResponse(bytes memory response) public {
        // build the auth and claim requests that should match the response
        AuthRequest[] memory auths = new AuthRequest[](1);
        auths[0] = buildAuth({authType: AuthType.GITHUB});

        ClaimRequest[] memory claims = new ClaimRequest[](2);
        // ENS DAO Voters
        claims[0] = buildClaim({groupId: 0x85c7ee90829de70d0d51f52336ea4722});
        // Gitcoin passport with at least a score of 15
        claims[1] = buildClaim({
            groupId: 0x1cde61966decb8600dfd0749bd371f12,
            value: 15,
            claimType: ClaimType.GTE

        // verify the response regarding our original request
        SismoConnectVerifiedResult memory result = verify({
            responseBytes: response,
            auths: auths,
            claims: claims,
            signature: buildSignature({message: "I vote Yes to Privacy"})

        emit ResponseVerified(result);

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Offchain - Verify in a Back End" %} Create an API route to receive the Sismo Connect response and verify it.

// Next.js API route support:
// in src/app/api/verify/route.ts

import {
} from "@sismo-core/sismo-connect-server";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";

const sismoConnect = SismoConnect({
  config: {
    appId: "0xf4977993e52606cfd67b7a1cde717069",
    vault: {
      // For development purposes insert the Data Sources that you want to impersonate here
      // Never use this in production
      impersonate: [
        // EVM
        // Github
        // Twitter
        // Telegram

// this is the API route that is called by the SismoConnectButton
export async function POST(req: Request) {
  const sismoConnectResponse = await req.json();
  try {
    // verify the sismo connect response that corresponds to the request
    const result: SismoConnectVerifiedResult = await sismoConnect.verify(sismoConnectResponse, {
      auths: [{ authType: AuthType.GITHUB }],
      claims: [
        // ENS DAO Voters
        { groupId: "0x85c7ee90829de70d0d51f52336ea4722" }, 
        // Gitcoin passport with at least a score of 15
        { groupId: "0x1cde61966decb8600dfd0749bd371f12", value: 15, claimType: ClaimType.GTE },
      // verify signature from users.
      signature: { message: "I vote Yes to Privacy" },
    return NextResponse.json(result, { status: 200 });
  } catch (e: any) {
    return NextResponse.json(e.message, { status: 500 });

{% hint style="success" %} If you are using Nextjs, you will need to add this config in the next.config.js file to be able to verify the proof. You can find more information here.

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  experimental: {
    serverComponentsExternalPackages: ["@sismo-core/sismo-connect-server"],

module.exports = nextConfig

{% endhint %} {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}