Recipes for MeerKAT data interaction and processing presented in CASA-Jupyter notebook format for easy
Usage and installation instruction for CASA-Jupyter can be found in Github
MeerKAT data is stored in a flexible format called MeerKAT Visibility Format (MVF), and accessed/processed as needed.
Easy access and software specifically developed to handle MeerKAT large data sizes are provided through the MeerKAT archive and katdal
Important Notes:
If you are using the docker container to run the CASA-Jupyter notebooks, you will need to install
- run/start the docker container
- enter the docker container as root: docker exec -tiu root
container ID
bash - install
: pip install katdal - for active notebooks, restart the notebook kernel (using the
menu option) - running a cell with
import katdal
should now work
Note to reader
MeerKAT data files are large and combining the data for an observation using the full array into single files cause sizes of Giga- to Tera bytes.
These files are to big for standard io-operations.
All MeerKAT data is accessed via the SARAO archive
Important Notes:
- MeerKAT archive is access restricted, requiring registration and login
- To access data in the MeerKAT archive a token is required.
User guideline to register, access and retrieve data from the archive are provided in the Archive Interface User Guide
Example notebooks showing data interaction and extraction methods can be found in the archive folder
- Using tokens for
processing: Accessing MeerKAT observation data katdal
provides a script to convert these data sets to CASA MeasurementSets. Using tokens to convert MVF files to CASA MeasurementSet: Convert MVF dataset(s) to MeasurementSet
If you are following standard interferometric imaging data reduction using CASA measurement sets, you can also use the Direct Download Link to create and download a measurement set instead.
See Archive Interface User Guide for detail.
Interacting with any of the MeerKAT observation files is made easy by the katdal
python library
katdal repository
Open source library available from PyPI
pip search katdal
katdal (0.13) - Karoo Array Telescope data access library for interacting with data sets in the MeerKAT Visibility Format (MVF)
Easy install
pip install katdal
Positional astronomy calculation use the PyEphem library
Detail katdal
documentation with user guide instructions can be found on the katdal
User guide
is specifically developed to allow efficient access to MeerKAT Visibility Format (MVF).
It is fully integrated to access data via the katarchive
line, optimised for large file data access and memory usage.
Introductory Jupyter notebooks illustrating some example data interaction and inspection using
Cutting edge functionality can be obtained by installing katdal
directly from the GitHub repository
pip install git+
Import Note Care should be taken since installing the master from GitHub might not be as stable as PyPI.