This project implements a CLIP-Deep-Driven FiLM and CLIP-Deep-FIlM-2 (Feature-wise Linear Modulation) model for image-text tasks. It builds upon the Universal CLIP architecture, using film-based modules to modulate image embeddings at each decoder with embeddings from the text-based decoder.
The architecture for
flowchart TD
Input[Input Image] --> SwinViT[SwinViT Transformer]
Input --> Enc0[Encoder 1]
subgraph Text_Processing
Prompt[Text Prompt] --> CLIP[CLIP Text Encoder]
CLIP --> TextEmb[Text Embeddings]
SwinViT --> HS0[Hidden State 0]
SwinViT --> HS1[Hidden State 1]
SwinViT --> HS2[Hidden State 2]
SwinViT --> HS3[Hidden State 3]
SwinViT --> HS4[Hidden State 4]
HS0 --> Enc1[Encoder 2]
HS1 --> Enc2[Encoder 3]
HS2 --> Enc3[Encoder 4]
HS4 --> Dec4[Encoder 10]
Dec4 --> FilmBlock4[FiLM Block 4]
TextEmb --> FilmBlock4
FilmBlock4 --> Dec3[Decoder 5]
HS3 --> Dec3
Dec3 --> FilmBlock3[FiLM Block 3]
TextEmb --> FilmBlock3
FilmBlock3 --> Dec2[Decoder 4]
Enc3 --> Dec2
Dec2 --> FilmBlock2[FiLM Block 2]
TextEmb --> FilmBlock2
FilmBlock2 --> Dec1[Decoder 3]
Enc2 --> Dec1
Dec1 --> FilmBlock1[FiLM Block 1]
TextEmb --> FilmBlock1
FilmBlock1 --> Dec0[Decoder 2]
Enc1 --> Dec0
Dec0 --> FinalDec[Decoder 1]
Enc0 --> FinalDec
FinalDec --> Output[Output Logits]
style Input fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Output fill:#9ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style TextEmb fill:#ff9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
flowchart TD
Input[Input Image] --> SwinViT[SwinViT Transformer]
Input --> Enc0[Encoder 1]
subgraph Text_Processing
Prompt[Text Prompt] --> CLIP[CLIP Text Encoder]
CLIP --> TextEmb[Text Embeddings]
SwinViT --> HS0[Hidden State 0]
SwinViT --> HS1[Hidden State 1]
SwinViT --> HS2[Hidden State 2]
SwinViT --> HS3[Hidden State 3]
SwinViT --> HS4[Hidden State 4]
HS0 --> Enc1[Encoder 2]
Enc1 --> FilmEnc1[FiLM Block 0]
TextEmb --> FilmEnc1
HS1 --> Enc2[Encoder 3]
Enc2 --> FilmEnc2[FiLM Block 1]
TextEmb --> FilmEnc2
HS2 --> Enc3[Encoder 4]
Enc3 --> FilmEnc3[FiLM Block 2]
TextEmb --> FilmEnc3
HS3 --> FilmEnc4[FiLM Block 3]
TextEmb --> FilmEnc4
HS4 --> Dec4[Encoder 10]
Dec4 --> FilmDec4[FiLM Block 4]
TextEmb --> FilmDec4
FilmDec4 --> Dec3[Decoder 5]
FilmEnc4 --> Dec3
Dec3 --> Dec2[Decoder 4]
FilmEnc3 --> Dec2
Dec2 --> Dec1[Decoder 3]
FilmEnc2 --> Dec1
Dec1 --> Dec0[Decoder 2]
FilmEnc1 --> Dec0
Dec0 --> FinalDec[Decoder 1]
Enc0 --> FinalDec
FinalDec --> Output[Output Logits]
style Input fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Output fill:#9ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style TextEmb fill:#ff9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
The required environment files are present inside the env_file folder.
Install the required environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Download the dataset as specified in the Universal CLIP paper.
Training For each dataset create DatasetName_train.txt DatasetName_test.txt DatasetName_val.txt under the /dataset/datasetlist folder
The model will look out for the training dataset list for DatasetName that contains the training files like {img,’\t’,seg} _train.txt and _val.txt important to get the training started associated with the data
To train the model, use the
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --master_port=1234 --dist True --uniform_sample
The training recipe is similar to that described in the Universal CLIP paper.
srun python \
--dist True \
--uniform_sample \
--num_workers 4 \
--log_name deep_film_2_multinode_og_setting \
--world_size $WORLD_SIZE \
--master_addr $MASTER_ADDR \
--master_port $MASTER_PORT
To evaluate the model, use the
For both test and val the <img,label> pair location must be there in the datase —pretrain <your_pretrain_folder> –model_type <model_name> –file_name <file_name_for_result> –datasetlist <txt file containing image_seg_pair of datalist>
Note:- At datasetlist just type the name of the dataset.
Model_name = universal, swinunetr, unetr, film —pretrain <your_pretrain_folder> –model_type <model_name> –file_name <file_name_for_result> -–datasetlist <txt file containing image_seg_pair of datalist>
To create data list If PAOT is the dataset then PAOT_train contains the {img,’\t’,seg} type and similarly for PAOT_test and PAOT_val
Just write the DatasetName with argumen –datasetlist
Example Scirpts
python --pretrain ./out/unetr_monai/epoch_160.pth --model_type unetr --file_name unetr_paot_btcv_test_e160.txt --dataset_list btcv
python --pretrain ./out/unetr_monai/epoch_160.pth --model_type unetr --file_name unetr_paot_btcv_e160.txt --dataset_list btcv3
Before evaluation, you need to create a test dataset file:
- Create a file named
. - In this file, list the locations of the files in your text directory.
- Format each line as follows:
To save your prediction results, use the save_result
function from
Or you can use
Here the loader will take _test2.txt
files. These files dont have their ground truths. So inside datasetname_test2.txt files, it should contain the names of the files to be predicted
Predictions of train_deep_film or CLIP-DEEP-Driven Model
- This project is based on the Universal CLIP architecture with modifications.
- The Deep FiLM model modulates image embeddings using text-based decoder outputs.
- Ensure you have the necessary computational resources for training and evaluation.
- train_deep_film_2 contains fixes for abritrary text input
- train_deep_film_2 uses film module with pre residual normalization and residual layer.
- train_val train files are with different custom data loader than normal train files. The noraml train files brought more accuracy due to uniform sampling
For more detailed information on the Universal CLIP architecture, please refer to the original paper.