Please note that, due to privacy reasons and other limitations:
- The publication dates of the commits contained in these repositories may differ considerably from their actual authoring date.
- The commit history of some repositories may be partially or totally hidden.
- Histories containing commits from other users will not be totally hidden in order to respect attribution, unless said party has explicitly contacted me and instructed to have any proof of authorship publicly removed.
- The projects available contain proofs of concept and generally subpar code, provided with absolutely no guarantee.
- Once published, the repositories will be archived and considered final. No further modifications will be made. No issues or pull requests will be accepted.
- Only exercises where cheating is impossible (or very hard) have been published. These exercises usually involve the need to choose and develop a unique topic.
- The exercises published have been deemed potentially useful as a reference for learners in the field of Computer Science.
If you are a UPV professor and wish to have one of the repositories available here taken down, please contact me using the email attached to this organization.