- copy/paste > konsole
sudo steamos-readonly disable
sudo pacman-key --init
sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux
sudo pacman-key --populate holo
sudo pacman -S git
git clone https://github.com/slynobody/SteamOS-Waydroid-Installer
cd SteamOS-Waydroid-Installer
chmod +x *.sh
- Install Basics & compile yourself (binder kernel-module, latest lxc + dnsmasq from aur, going back to main script)
- Install through script (precompiled packages for latest 3.7+, thanks to https://github.com/parkerlreed))
- Use privacy-friendly appstore to install your apps (also consider installing fstore)
wget https://web.archive.org/web/20230928212250/https://f-droid.org/repo/com.aurora.store_47.apk
waydroid app install ./com.aurora.store_47.apk
Enter 'developer mode' (https://tuxexplorer.com/how-to-enable-developer-mode-on-steam-deck)
in developer-tab left enable 'extended update-channels'
in system-tab enable OS-Update-Channel 'Main'
there is an experimental feature (https://youtube.com/watch?v=OxApPDhZn9I), but it does not do the rotation automatically (yet).
privacy-friedly 'Aurora Store' (and/or 'F-Droid' (https://f-droid.org/F-Droid.apk))
it will be updated if new kernels arrive.
scripts build on top of https://github.com/ryanrudolfoba/SteamOS-Waydroid-Installer (letting dkms compile the binder-module for this kernel on your machine / not predelivering pre-fabricated kernel-modules out of security-reasons)
A collection of tools that is packaged into an easy to use script that is streamlined and tested to work with the Steam Deck running on SteamOS: https://github.com/waydroid/waydroid
- The main program that does all the heavy lifting is [Waydroid - a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system.](
- Waydroid Toolbox to easily toggle some configuration settings for Waydroid.
- waydroid_script to easily add the libndk ARM translation layer and widevine.
- libndk-fixer is a fixed / improved libndk translation layer specific for Roblox (demo guide here).
- Do this at your own risk!
- This is for educational and research purposes only!