This is a bugfix release
Commit log from v2.2.2 follows, with ancillary commits removed.
28eff58 Fixed issue with event status cards not displaying correctly in light mode
f289dc2 Fixed issue with scheduler not being able to be started after start up sequence
830dc35 add instrumentation to debug why goto after 3ppa failed for start-up sequence
79bec38 Disable stack_after_goto if possible
af37e3a fixed scheduler state when it is in complete state, but tries to stop it.
03f9498 Make SSC Config not experimental
91a89a2 Color coded battery percent
2d351bd Color coded free space
ed02a23 Wi-Fi signal strength color coding.
f121a9f override event state for 3PPA after completion. Added app version number to logs. Set save events as info as true for default.
7c49c74 Allow for support bundles without seestar logs - both when the user requests it, and when the scope is offline
d205ad9 fixed logic for retries.
daaeaf5 fixed mosaic bug where if GOTO failed, it would still go and stack.
22af567 Planning page: collapse toggle