- Compact
20 characters encode 120 bits of payload. - Efficient
Speedy encoding and decoding. - Compatible
Can be used in URLs, form-fields and as HTML attributes. - Lexicographically ordered
The bitstring and the encoded string sort the same. - Database-friendly
Time-prefix improves database locality and performance.
A BaseUid consist of two parts:
- 48bits of POSIX time in nanoseconds, left-shifted by 2 bits
- 72bits of randomness
This selection ensures that the resulting Base64-encoded string starts with a letter for timestamps between the years 2021 and 2260. This allows the use of BaseUids in places that do not allow values starting with a digit.1
These two parts are concatenated into a 120bit long bitstring ...
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 ┏━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┓ ┃ time (00-47) ┆ rnd (48-119) ┃ ┗━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┛
... which is then converted to an ASCII string using the lexicographically-ordered Base64 alphabet ...
... resulting in 20 characters, of which 8 characters represent the time-component and 12 characters represent the randomness-component.
For example, a BaseUid from the start of 2022 could be ANjssJkyfa3H00J9ZPJG
is the timestamp-component for 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z
and fa3H00J9ZPJG
is the randomness-component that
differs with each generated value, even if the point in time stays the same.
BaseUids can easily be converted into UUIDv8 format if required:
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 ┏━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┯━┓ ┃ time (00-47) ┆VER┆rnd (52-63)┆V┆ rnd (66-125) ┆Z┃ ┗━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┷━┛ ^ ^ ^ | | | ┌VER (constant)┐ ┌VAR (constant)┐ ┌Z (constant)┐ │ 1 0 0 0 │ │ 1 0 │ │ 0 0 │ └──────────────┘ └──────────────┘ └────────────┘
Payload | Compact | Efficient | Compatible | Ordered | Database-friendly | |
BaseUID | 120bits | ✔ Base64 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
UUID text repr. | 128bits | ✖ Base16 | ✔ | ✖ | ✔ | ✖ |
ULID | 128bits | 🞈 Base32 | 🞈 | ✖ | ✔ | ✔ |
LexicalUUID | 128bits | ✖ Base16 | ✖ | ✖ | ✔ | ✔ |
Flake | 128bits | ✔ Base62 | ✖ | ✖ | ❔ | ✔ |
ShardingID | 64bits | ✖ Base10 | 🞈 | ✖ | ✔ | ✔ |
KSUID | 160bits | ✔ Base62 | ✖ | ✖ | ✔ | ✔ |
Elasticflake | 120bits | ✔ Base64 | ✔ | ✖ | ✖ | ✔ |
FlakeID | 64bits | ✖ Base10/16 | ✔ | ✖ | ✔ | ✔ |
Sonyflake | 64bits | ✖ | ✔ | ✖ | ✔ | ✔ |
orderedUuid | 120bits | ✖ Base10 | ✔ | ✖ | ✖ | ✔ |
COMBGUID | 120bits | ✖ Base10 | ✔ | ✖ | ✖ | ✔ |
SID | 128bits | ✔ Base10/16/32/64 | ✔ | ✖ | ✔ | ✔ |
pushID | 120bits | ✔ Base64 | ✔ | ✖ | ✔ | ✔ |
XID | 96bits | 🞈 Base32 | ✔ | ✖ | ✔ | ✔ |
ObjectID | 96bits | ✖ Base16 | ✔ | ✖ | ✔ | ✔ |
CUID | ❔ | ✖ Base36 | ✖ | ✔ | ✖ | ✔ |
Such as HTML attributes values, which are required to be valid CSS identifiers. ↩