New Updates and minor bug fixed for Socioboard
In history socioboard icon user implemented
In referral share code profile pict null issue fixed
LiknedInPage feeds old comments stored issue fixed
Profile settings mobile number issue fixed
Access password social sign in text issue fixed
Email verification text issue fixed
Dashboard compose check all issue fixed
Facebook feeds load more comments sending issue fixed
Content studio Most Shared loading issue fixed
Message implemented for null history
Rss feeds and board me image issue fixed
Google plus filter album issue fixed
Facebook feeds loading issue all fixed
Default profile pic for new users implemented
Twitter inbox direct messages ui issue fixed
Separate linked page filter implemented in history
Loader implemented in draft
Change new UI in instagram feeds module
Password validtaion change in signin page
Fixed compose message issue in content feeds module
Changes made in content studio data services for youtube duplication data issue
Changes design for checkbox in content studio
Delete feature added in content shareathon queue
Bug fixed for daywise schedule
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