For ANDROID and iOS only (maui 8 and 9).
The Android version of BottomSheet is incompatible with the net9 "community toolkit" popups and the Mopups control too. TLDR: if you display a BottoSheet from inside a popup on NET9, it will be displayed behind that popup, thus will not be visible.
Starting net9, maui (and the community toolkit) changed the way modal dialogs are displayed on Android. Instead of creating a plain android View and add it as the last child of the DecorView of the Activity, they used an android Dialog view. It looks like Android manages Dialogs differently to make them topmost: whatever you add as a child of a DecorView, a Dialog will always be over it.
To fix that, this BottomSheet control must migrate to use a BottomSheetDialog. TODO !
NOTE: Coming from Gerald Versluis' video? Make sure to check the section on what changed since the video was made
As I can't wait that long, I'm pushing that to nuget in pre release mode.
That same package was previously pushed to a private nuget server and used in published apps. So it is stable enough.
Additionally, I fixed a few new issues:
- (ios) the background color was not set, because of the way the Mapper dictionary was declared
- (android) the background color was not set correctly on Android. It looks like it worked, but it did not in many conditions.
- (android) some apps crash with a message like "the bottomsheetbehavior can not be found". I was not able to determine what dependency cause that issue. Anyway that is fixed by converting the android xml layout into C# android code.
- removed the dependency on MainPage, use the specified Window instead
- Merged the49ltd#133
- (android) Fix "no sliding away" blocked in hidden mode
- (android) Fix bottom sheet sometime displayed in hidden mode
- (android) Fix handle not appearing
- (android) (Demo app) Fix can't open the same demo item twice in a row
- Breaking: removed DetentsCollection for simplicity. Use a ResourceDictionary to choose between detents with OnPlatform (see sample app)
- (android) Uses Material3 design. That is working even if your app uses Material2.
Maui.BottomSheet is a .NET MAUI library used to display pages as Bottom Sheets.
Android | iOS |
![]() |
![]() |
Enable this plugin by calling UseBottomSheet()
in your MauiProgram.cs
using Maui.Insets;
public static class MauiProgram
public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
// Initialise the plugin
// the rest of your logic...
In order to make use of the plugin within XAML you can use this namespace:
Simply create a ContentView
. Replace the extended class with BottomSheet
in code-behind and in XAML:
using The49.Maui.BottomSheet;
public class MySheet : BottomSheet
public MySheetPage()
<the49:BottomSheet xmlns=""
<!-- ... -->
The sheet can be opened by calling the ShowAsync()
method of the page. It can be closed using DismissAsync()
const sheet = new MySheet();
// Show the sheet
// Alternatively, pass the window in which the sheet should show. Usually accessible from any other page of the app.
// Call to programatically close the sheet
An extra parameter can be passed to both ShowAsync
and DismissAsync
to enable/disable the animations.
On Android, make sure your application's theme extends the Material3 theme. This mean you need a Platforms/Android/Resources/values/styles.xml
file with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<style name="Maui.MainTheme" parent="Theme.Material3.DayNight"></style>
If you already have this file, just make sure the Maui.MainTheme
style inherits the Theme.Material3.DayNight
This library offers a BottomSheet
, an extension of the ContentView
with extra functionality
The following properties are available to use:
Name | Type | Default value | Description | Android | iOS |
HasBackdrop |
bool |
false |
Displays the sheet as modal. This has no effect on whether or not the sheet can be dismissed using gestures. | ✅ | ✅* |
HasHandle |
bool |
false |
If true , display a drag handle at the top of the sheet |
✅ | ✅ |
HandleColor |
Color |
null |
Sets the color of the sheet's handle is HasHandle is true |
✅ | ❌** |
CornerRadius |
double |
-1 |
Sets the sheet's corner radius | ✅*** | ✅ |
IsCancelable |
bool |
true |
If false , prevents the dismissal of the sheet with user gestures |
✅ | ✅ |
Detents |
DetentsCollection |
new DetentsCollection() { new ContentDetent() }) |
A collection of detents where the sheet will snap to when dragged. (See the Detents section for more info) | ✅ | ✅ |
SelectedDetent |
Detent |
null |
A two way property defining which detent is currently selected. Changes as the user slides, and updates the sheet's position when changed | ✅ | ✅* |
* iOS doesn't support the property largestUndimmedDetentIdentifier
or selectedDetentIdentifer
for custom detents as of right now. Se iOS documentation for largestUndimmedDetentIdentifier and selectedDetentIdentifer
Only when the FullscreenDetent
and/or MediumDetent
are used those properties will work.
** iOS doesn't give any access to the grabber view
*** On Android, setting a custom corner radius will prevent the radius animation when the sheet hits the top of the screen
Detents are snap point at which the sheet will stop when a drag gesture is released See iOS definition.
On Android only 3 detents are supported (See implemenation section for more info).
On iOS, detents are only fully supported for iOS 16 and up. On iOS 15, medium and large detents are used instead See iOS documentation.
Name | Parameter | Description |
FullscreenDetent |
Full height of the screen | |
ContentDetent |
Calculates the height of the page's content | |
AnchorDetent |
Anchor |
Anchor expects a View and will set its height to the Y position of that view. This is used to peek some content, then reveal more when the sheet is dragged up |
HeightDetent |
Height |
Use a dp value to specify the detent height |
RatioDetent |
Ratio |
Use a ratio of the full screen height |
MediumDetent |
A detent at the halfway point of the screen |
<the49:BottomSheet xmlns=""
<!-- Stop at the height of the screen -->
<the49:FullscreenDetent />
<!-- Stop at the height of the page content -->
<the49:ContentDetent />
<!-- Stop at 120dp -->
<the49:HeightDetent Height="120" />
<!-- Stop at 45% of the screen height -->
<the49:RatioDetent Ratio="0.45" />
<!-- Stop at the height of the divider view -->
<the49:AnchorDetent Anchor="{x:Reference divider}" />
<VerticalStackLayout Spacing="16">
<!-- some content -->
<BoxView x:Name="divider" />
<!-- more content -->
You can create a custom detent by extending the default Detent
class and implementing its GetHeight
abstract method
The following events are available to use:
Name | EventArg | Description | Android | iOS |
Dismissed |
DismissOrigin |
Invoked when the sheet is dismissed. The EventArgs will either be DismissOrigin.Gesture when the user dragged it down or DismissOrigin.Programmatic when Dismiss is called. |
✅ | ✅ |
Showing |
EventArg.Emtpy |
Called when the sheet is about to animate in. This is the best time to configure the behavior of the sheet for specific platforms (See Platform specifics) | ✅ | ✅ |
Shown |
EventArg.Emtpy |
Called when the sheet finished animating in. | ✅ | ✅ |
On Android, the Google.Android.Material.BottomSheet.BottomSheetBehavior
is made available under sheet.Controller.Behavior
, to ensure the property is set, access it when the Showing
event is fired. Learn more about it here: BottomSheetBehavior | Android Developers
On iOS, the UIKit.UISheetPresentationController
is made available under sheet.Controller.SheetPresentationController
, to ensure the property is set, access it when the Showing
event is fired. Learn more about it here: UISheetPresentationController | Apple Developer Documentation
A sheet without backdrop works on iOS only if using MediumDetent
and FullscreenDetent
. Using the OnPlatform
tool replace the detent on iOS to only use those and it will work.
Note: In the future, iOS might allow custom detents to support the largestUndimmableDetentIdentifier. If that happens, this plugin will be updated to support it
Here is how you can use the detents you need on Android, and use the detents compatible with HasBackdrop
and SelectedDetent
A IsDefault
property can be used to select the detent that will be shown when calling ShowAsync
. Otherwise the smallest detent is used.
<the49:BottomSheet xmlns=""
<On Platform="Android">
<the49:FullscreenDetent />
<the49:ContentDetent />
<the49:AnchorDetent Anchor="{x:Reference divider}" />
<On Platform="iOS">
<the49:FullscreenDetent />
<the49:MediumDetent />
<VerticalStackLayout Spacing="16">
<!-- some content -->
<BoxView x:Name="divider" />
<!-- more content -->
var sheet = new MySheet();
sheet.Showing += (s, e) =>
You can either add IsDefault="True"
to the detent or set SelectedDetent
to one of your detents before calling ShowAsync
Use the CornerRadius
The bottom sheet on iOS is presented using the UIViewController
's PresentViewController
and configuring the sheet with UISheetPresentationController.
Detents are created using the custom method
The Material library's bottom sheet is used.
A xml layout contains a Frame, CoordinatorLayout and another Frame with the
behavior. The layout is inflated and added to the DrawerLayout
is using AppShell
or CoordinatorLayout
is using NavigationPage
A backdrop is added and animated when requested
Detents are created using a combination of expandedOffset, halfExpandedRatio and peekHeight. These are the only configurable stop points for the bottom sheets, and that is why this library only supports up to 3 detents on Android.
If you're coming from Gerald Versluis' video, a few things have changed. Here is what you need to know:
Property names have been updated to be more consistent, discoverable and aligned with standard MAUI properties:
is nowHasHandle
is nowIsCancelable
is nowHasBackdrop
2 new properties have been added:
Methods have been renamed
is nowShowAsync
and completes when the animation of the sheet finishes. It also accepts a boolean to turn off animationsDismiss
is nowDismissAsync
and completes when the animation of the sheet finishes. It also accepts a boolean to turn off animations
Made within The49