Playing with AWS lambda and snoozing slack every Thursday.
- Read datetimes, duration & other config
- from a file
- from a db
- provider table (Slack, Gmail)
- account table (F4S, rocketspace, personal, work)
- user table (Me!, Bruno etc)
- snooze table (every thursday)
- a provider can have users and accounts
- a user can have multiple snoozes
- a snooze belongs to a user & a account
- a account can have many users, a user can have many accounts
- UX - slack commands
- set a snooze
- list snoozes
- delete a snooze
- generally think about syntax
- one off vs repeat (calendar)
- nlp - what is out there already?
- submitting to slack
- pricing (stripe?)
- landing page (netlify)
- other notifications?
- Gmail (OOO)
- other chat providers
- Chrome Extension (web notifications)
- app notifications (mobile app)
a user creates multiple naps a nap has a start datetime and end datetime a nap has an optional text status and icon a nap can snooze notifications a nap can be applied to multiple accounts
an example of an account is a Slack Workspace a Slack Workspace is associated with an email an email can be associated with multiple Slack Workspaces a workspace is is a type of provider
Start datetime End datetime Status Optional Text Status - is this the end of onboarding? - do I have everything to schedule a single DnD on Slack?
CRON is for repeated tasks - what about one off tasks? cron(Minutes Hours Day-of-month Month Day-of-week Year)
Add the Provider to the nap (essentially fully flesh out the Nap to be a actional unit of data)
Create the nap in faunaDB
Call a function to read naps from faunaDB and add them to [a Cron Service]
how should this function be called?
from the frontend - could do but opens naps to be in an unclean state/never getting scheduled if second request fails
from the previous function
every X period - NO
triggered from faunaDB - NO
- how should this function work?
- should it be per nap/per user/globally?
- faunaDB lends itself to globally
- query all naps that have a state of 'new'
- then
- should it be per nap/per user/globally?
- [Cron Service] calls faunaDB to read data to then execute the Naptime
- this grabs the Slack user data and nap data from FaunaDB
- makes the DnD API call to Slack
- then update the status of the nap
A user can currently create duplicate naps Page animations for onboarding
Should a Nap have a state? - New, scheduled, Nap Started, Nap Finished New --> Scheduled --> Nap Started --> Nap Finished (--> Scheduled)
- Status should be split - a dropdown with Online, Busy, Away, others? and a secondary text field for customised text
bucket - thing people have access to. relationship between a thing (id) and people. - no content bucketable - value of the bucket - eg. project name - immutable.
a recording is a piece of data - data to bucket recordable - contains the content. - immutable
user auth with slack
user auth with google (calendar)
register, login, logout
API setup
build out the models
build out the API itself
convert the login/sign up views to be on brand
could I convert the graphql view to be async? is that enabled in aridne?
we have normal oauth2 to google to sign up.. this is done.
how do we auth with the graphQL
remove accounts if a user removes social connection
User signs up with Google
User adds Slack
Present Calendar to user (there maybe other options to display/other onboarding screens)
User creates a 'nap' on their calendar or selects an existing event to nap
- Create a nap, that is linked to a calendar
- Get an event from a the calendar
- work out trigger for the nap
API to recieve nap and call the relevant APIs to perform the snoozes
- What does authentication look like at this point? What type of OAuth2 do I need to support?
- The queue calling back to naptime.
Drop on to the queue again to cancel snooze
ought to be the same as 5 with an extra hook
Default off
start a nap: dnd - on set status and icon away minutes = length of nap
end a nap dnd - off set default status and icon auto minutes = 0
Default on: (every X time - set DND, away and icon)
start a 'nap' dnd - off icon & status auto mintues = length of nap
end a 'nap' dnd - on icon & status away minutes = 1 week
setting sun on top line moon on the bottom
- when defaults (dnd, icon, status) change properate these to the actual Slack account
fetching calendar data on demand from the API
events based on a date filter, it a week at a time?
(re)Start the frontend!
this means actually sorting out the auth flows...
- split out schema into each django app?
https://relay.dev/docs/guides/graphql-server-specification/ https://relay.dev/assets/files/connections-61fc54c286f0afc0b4f230f7c4b150bf.htm#
- frontend calls to Google
- setup new frontend!
- Add Oauth library there...
- Configure Oauth ont the frontend
- That flowthen completes
- Frontend makes a call to the backend with
- Backend verifies token and gives the frontend our own token (wihc could be an outh access token?)
- Backend makes actual API requests to Google for Calendar stuff