This attendance system uses RFID technology for identification and sends attendance data to a server via WiFi.
- RFID-based identification using RC522 module
- NodeMCU for reading RFID cards and sending data to server
- Django-based server with Bootstrap 4 frontend
- Automatic WiFi configuration using Arduino's WiFi Manager library
- Creates a hotspot for easy WiFi setup when no saved networks are available
- Django Framework
- Bootstrap 4
- JavaScript (AJAX)
- HTML and CSS
- NodeMCU
- RC-522 RFID Reader
- LEDs and Buzzer
To be added soon...
To be added soon...
We welcome contributions to improve the WIFI-based RFID Attendance System! Here are some ways you can contribute:
- Report bugs or suggest features by opening an issue
- Improve documentation
- Submit pull requests with bug fixes or new features
Please follow these steps for contributing:
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix
- Make your changes and commit them with a clear commit message
- Push your changes to your fork
- Submit a pull request to the main repository
Before submitting a pull request, please ensure:
- Your code follows the project's coding style
- You've added tests for new features or bug fixes
- All tests pass
- You've updated the documentation if necessary
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
If you encounter any problems or have questions, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.