Pure OCaml client for AWS. Code is auto-generated for all services based on the API declared in botocore. Higher level functions are often implemented on top of this base, e.g. to support multi-part uploads to S3. Sub-libraries are provided for blocking, Async, and Lwt versions of all code.
Services | unix package | async package | lwt package |
Amazon Athena (doc) | No | Yes | No |
Amazon Cognito (doc) | No | Yes | No |
Amazon EC2 (doc) | No | Yes | No |
Amazon ECR (doc) | No | Yes | No |
Amazon Glue (doc) | No | Yes | No |
Amazon IAM (doc) | No | Yes | No |
Amazon S3 (doc) | No | Yes | No |
Amazon SQS (doc) | No | Yes | No |
Cognito SRP | No | Yes | No |
Amazon STS (doc) | No | Yes | No |
Run the following commands to install a local OPAM switch based on OCaml 4.11.2 and install all package dependencies via OPAM. (Note that after running make we must also configure the local OPAM environment.)
make install-deps
eval $(opam env)
To actually build the project you are advised to lift system restrictions on stack size,
because otherwise some files will fail to build due to stack overflows. On a modern Linux
system you can wrap the invocation of make
under prlimit
prlimit --stack=unlimited make
Here is a short example where we use the S3 API to list the objects of the provided bucket (see amazon API).
open Awsm_async
open! Import
open IO
module S3 = Awsm_s3.Make (IO) (Http)
let pr = Caml.print_endline
let suite_main bucket () =
Cfg.get () >>= fun cfg ->
S3.listBuckets cfg >>= fun _ ->
S3.listObjects cfg (S3.ListObjectsRequest.make ~bucket ()) >>= function
| #S3.listObjects_error -> failwith "list objects error"
| `Ok response ->
Option.iter response.S3.ListObjectsOutput.name ~f:pr ;
let contents =
Option.value ~default:[] response.S3.ListObjectsOutput.contents
let on_object oo = Option.iter (oo.S3.Object.key :> string option) ~f:pr in
List.iter contents ~f:on_object ;
return ()
let suite_command =
Command.async_spec ~summary:"Test script"
Command.Spec.(empty +> anon ("bucket" %: string))
let () =
Command.group ~summary:"Awsm test app" [("test-suite", suite_command)]
|> Command.run
More examples are available in the app directory.
The documentation is available on https://opensource.solvuu.com/docs/awsm/api
To generate the awsm API documentation locally you need odoc
opam install odoc
Then run make doc
Awsm is released under the MIT license.
See CONTRIBUTING for how to help out.