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Demo creating container image with Norconex Collector, build using Jenkins and deployment using helm chart

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New Update using Azure DevOps Pipeline to automatte CI and push to Docker Hub

  • Visit Azure DevOps pipeline builds here
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General Overview

Building a very simple demo using the Norconex Web Crawler v3 example configuration included with the binary distribution download. The minimum demo will crawl few Norconex open-source web page and commit to xml file in the filesystem of the container.

There are many ways to expand from this simple demo. For instance, Filesystem at WORKDIR location, which can be an ENV variable if you wish to expand from this demo. Custom Norconex Collector Config file xml can be copy into container image for custom crawl with different committer.

Norconex Committer can be download, unzip and merge lib with similar steps as Norconex Collector download in demo Dockerfile.

For instance, if using Elasticsearch Committer, download, extract, and add below to merge the lib jar within the container image build process:

# Copy the Committer lib to merge with Collector Lib using the JarCopier helper
RUN java -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -cp "${NORCONEX_HOME}/norconex-committer-elasticsearch-${ELASTIC_COMMITTER_VERSION}/lib/*:${COLLECTOR_HOME}/lib/*" \
    com.norconex.commons.lang.jar.JarCopier \
    "${NORCONEX_HOME}/norconex-committer-elasticsearch-${ELASTIC_COMMITTER_VERSION}/lib" "${COLLECTOR_HOME}/lib" 3;

This quick demo workflow process will start with creating container image using Norconex Collector v3 snapshot distribution, then cover one of the possible build job setup using Jenkins and deployment using helm chart.

Also, I will cover the basic of the Helm Chart use case to deploy Norconex Collector as type Kubernetes Cronjob that will launch a Kubernetes Job on the Schedule provided in the Helm values.yaml

Get Started

Below steps are the overview for my quick demo exploring some of the ways to setup:

  1. Demo use the default Norconex Collector Download | Norconex Web Crawler with Filesystem Committer. (The other choices of Committers can be found here, Committers ( )

    • Build container image using Dockerfile
    • Setup a Git Repository file structure for Container Image build
    • Guide to build and test run using the created Dockerfile
      • Demo setup locally using Docker Desktop to run Kubernetes
      • Tutorials for setting up local kubernetes
  2. Determine where to push the Container Image, can be public or private Image Registry such as Docker Hub.

  3. Creating a Helm Chart template using the Helm Chart v3

    • Demo will start with default template creation of Helm Chart
    • Demo to use the Kubernetes Node filesystem for persistent storage
      • Other storage options can be used, for instance, in AWS use EBS volume or EFS, etc..
    • Understanding Helm template and yaml configuration
      • Cronjob.yaml to deploy kubernetes Cronjob that would create new Kubernetes Job to run on schedule.
      • pvc.yaml to create kubernetes persistent volume and persistent volume claim that the Norconex Collector crawl job will use on the next recrawl job run.
  4. Simple build using Jenkins

    • Overview of Jenkins Build job pipeline script

Test Locally

In my demo I have installed Docker Desktop to run local docker, and kubectl using the local Kubernetes cluster that can be enabled with Docker Desktop service. Docker Desktop can be download from here. Helm can also be download from here in order to follow my steps below in using command helm.

Build Container Image

Build the local test using Docker tool.

In the root directory of this repository run:

docker build -t demo-collector .

When the build is done, run the docker container using:

docker run --name mydemo-collector demo-collector

By default, the volume will be mounted to match WORKDIR path setup in the Dockerfile

If you would like to specify the local docker volume test-volume run command below:

docker run \
--name mydemo-collector \
-v ./test-volume:/norconex/collector/examples-output/complex \

Viewing the docker volume using command:

docker volume inspect test-volume

If you would like to test run them without building it locally, run below:

docker pull somphouang/norconex-devops-demo
docker run --name mydemo-collector somphouang/norconex-devops-demo

It will pull the image from public registry

Note: Instructions below has pre-requisites knowledge on Jenkins, Helm Chart, and Kubernetes - Cronjob, Job

Build Helm Chart

Helm chart template files are created in deploy/charts

There are 2 important files

  • cronjob.yaml - will deploy Kubernetes Cronjob so that the crawl can happen on schedule time, when the schedule time happen Kuberbernetes Job will run the crawl job
  • pvc.yaml - will provision Kubernetes Persistent Volume and Volume Claim
    • There are options to use AWS EBS, AWS EFS, Kubernetes Node storage in the values.yaml

Helm chart deployment for this demo would create Kubernetes Cronjob with schedule 0 6 * * 2 to run every Tuesday, see deploy/charts/norconex-devops

Download and Install Helm from here

Test locally deploying Helm Chart to Kubernetes using --dry-run flag without actually deploying.

helm upgrade -name norconex-devops-demo -i --dry-run ./deploy/charts/norconex-devops-demo/

Output from the dry run command

Release "norconex-devops-demo" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: norconex-devops-demo
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Dec  9 13:39:07 2020
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: pending-install
# Source: norconex-devops-demo/templates/tests/test-filesystem.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: "norconex-devops-demo-test-filesystem"
  labels: norconex-devops-demo-0.1.0 norconex-devops-demo norconex-devops-demo "0.1.0" Helm
    "": test-success
    - name: wget
      image: busybox
      command: ["sh", "-c", "sleep 2", "ls -alh ."]
  restartPolicy: Never
# Source: norconex-devops-demo/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: norconex-devops-demo
  labels: norconex-devops-demo-0.1.0 norconex-devops-demo norconex-devops-demo "0.1.0" Helm
# Source: norconex-devops-demo/templates/pvc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: "norconex-devops-demo"
  namespace: default
  annotations: "2020" default
    app: norconex-devops-demo
    release: "norconex-devops-demo"
    - "ReadWriteOnce"
  storageClassName: "manual"
  # Local test passing `--set persistent.storageClass=manual` in the helm command
    path: "/data"
    storage: "5Gi"
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: "Delete"
# Source: norconex-devops-demo/templates/pvc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: "norconex-devops-demo"
  namespace: default
  annotations: "2020" default
    app: norconex-devops-demo
    release: "norconex-devops-demo"
    - "ReadWriteOnce"
  storageClassName: "manual"
      storage: "5Gi"
# Source: norconex-devops-demo/templates/service.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: norconex-devops-demo
  labels: norconex-devops-demo-0.1.0 norconex-devops-demo norconex-devops-demo "0.1.0" Helm
  type: ClusterIP
    - port: 2020
      targetPort: http
      protocol: TCP
      name: http
  selector: norconex-devops-demo norconex-devops-demo
# Source: norconex-devops-demo/templates/cronjob.yaml
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: "norconex-devops-demo"
  annotations: "2020" default
    heritage: "Helm"
    release: "norconex-devops-demo"
    chart: "norconex-devops-demo-0.1.0"
    app: norconex-devops-demo
  schedule: "0 6 * * 2"
  concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
  successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3
  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 3
            heritage: "Helm"
            release: "norconex-devops-demo"
            chart: "norconex-devops-demo-0.1.0"
            app: norconex-devops-demo
            fsGroup: 2020
            runAsGroup: 2020
            runAsUser: 2020
          - name:
          - name: init
            image: busybox:latest
              runAsUser: 0
            command: ['/bin/sh']
            args: ['-c', 'chown -R 2020:2020 "/norconex/collector/examples-output/complex"']
            - name: data
              mountPath: "/norconex/collector/examples-output/complex"
          - name: norconex-devops-demo
              runAsUser: 2020
            image: "somphouang/norconex-devops-demo:latest"
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
                cpu: "100m"
                memory: "128Mi"
            - name: data
              mountPath: "/norconex/collector/examples-output/complex"
          - name: data
              claimName: "norconex-devops-demo"
          restartPolicy: OnFailure

Installing the Helm chart using helm command:

helm upgrade norconex-devops-demo -i ./deploy/charts/norconex-devops-demo/

Output result

Release "norconex-devops-demo" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: norconex-devops-demo
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Dec  9 11:49:15 2020
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

Check to see that the deployment has been successful in Kubernetes Cluster

kubectl get pv,pvc,cronjob,job,all

Output result showing the PVC is bound to the Persistent Volume correctly.

  • Note: The volume mounted is local to the filesystem of the Kubernetes Node for our demo test purposes.
NAME                                    CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                          STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
persistentvolume/norconex-devops-demo   5Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/norconex-devops-demo   manual                  81s

NAME                                         STATUS   VOLUME                 CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/norconex-devops-demo   Bound    norconex-devops-demo   5Gi        RWO            manual         81s

NAME                                 SCHEDULE    SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
cronjob.batch/norconex-devops-demo   0 6 * * 2   False     0        <none>          81s

NAME                           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/kubernetes             ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP    22d
service/norconex-devops-demo   ClusterIP   <none>        2020/TCP   81s

Let's trigger a Manual Job run:

kubectl create job --from=cronjob/<cronjob-name> <job-name>

Type in command for our test:

kubectl create job --from=cronjob/norconex-devops-demo-demo manual-test-run1

Output result

job.batch/manual-test-run1 created

Check to see that the Job run and completed for job.batch/manual-test-run1

kubectl get pv,pvc,cronjob,job,pod

Output result shows it has been complted and ran took 19 seconds 19s.

NAME                                    CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                          STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
persistentvolume/norconex-devops-demo   5Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/norconex-devops-demo   manual                  27s

NAME                                         STATUS   VOLUME                 CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/norconex-devops-demo   Bound    norconex-devops-demo   5Gi        RWO            manual         27s

NAME                                 SCHEDULE    SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
cronjob.batch/norconex-devops-demo   0 6 * * 2   False     0        <none>          27s

NAME                         COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
job.batch/manual-test-run1   1/1           19s        21s

NAME                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
pod/manual-test-run1-mhgz5   0/2     Completed   0          21s

Now, let's look at the logs from the Job, run

Run kubectl logs <pod-name> -c <container-name>

kubectl logs manual-test-run1-mhgz5 -c norconex-devops-demo

Note: After the log entry INFO COLLECTOR_RUN_END... the Dockerfile CMD runs the second command cat ${WORKDIR}/M*/N*/c*/0/*.xml to show the content of the committer filesystem xml file from the crawl indexing.

The output result from Norconex Collector crawl job logs.

18:49:25.564 [Minimum Config HTTP Collector] INFO  Collector -
 _   _  ___  ____   ____ ___  _   _ _______  __
| \ | |/ _ \|  _ \ / ___/ _ \| \ | | ____\ \/ /
|  \| | | | | |_) | |  | | | |  \| |  _|  \  /
| |\  | |_| |  _ <| |__| |_| | |\  | |___ /  \
|_| \_|\___/|_| \_\\____\___/|_| \_|_____/_/\_\

============== C O L L E C T O R ==============

Collector and main components:

Collector:          Norconex HTTP Collector 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT (Norconex Inc.)
Collector Core:     Norconex Collector Core 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT (Norconex Inc.)
Importer:           Norconex Importer 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT (Norconex Inc.)
JEF:                Norconex JEF 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT (Norconex Inc.)
Lang:               Norconex Commons Lang 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT (Norconex Inc.)
  Core:             Norconex Committer Core 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT (Norconex Inc.)
  Name:             OpenJDK Runtime Environment
  Version:          1.8.0_275-8u275-b01-0ubuntu1~20.04-b01
  Vendor:           Private Build

18:49:25.680 [Minimum Config HTTP Collector] INFO  JobSuite - Work directory is: /norconex/collector/examples-output/complex
18:49:25.686 [Minimum Config HTTP Collector] INFO  Collector - Collector with 1 crawler(s) created.
18:49:25.694 [Minimum Config HTTP Collector] INFO  COLLECTOR_RUN_BEGIN - Minimum Config HTTP Collector
18:49:25.866 [Minimum Config HTTP Collector] INFO  GenericHttpFetcher - User-Agent: <None specified>
18:49:25.867 [Minimum Config HTTP Collector] INFO  JobSuite - Initialization...
18:49:25.868 [Minimum Config HTTP Collector] INFO  JobSuite - No previous execution detected.
18:49:25.894 [Minimum Config HTTP Collector] INFO  JobSuite - Starting execution.
18:49:25.902 [Minimum Config HTTP Collector] INFO  JobSuite - Running Minimum Config HTTP Collector: START (2020-12-09T18:49:25.902Z)
18:49:25.910 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  JobSuite - Running Norconex Minimum Test Page: START (2020-12-09T18:49:25.910Z)
18:49:25.911 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  CRAWLER_INIT_BEGIN - Initializing crawler "Norconex Minimum Test Page"...
18:49:25.963 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  COMMITTER_INIT_BEGIN - CommitterEvent[name=COMMITTER_INIT_BEGIN]
18:49:26.009 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  COMMITTER_INIT_END - CommitterEvent[name=COMMITTER_INIT_END]
18:49:26.012 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  CrawlDocInfoService - STARTING a fresh crawl.
18:49:26.012 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  CRAWLER_INIT_END - Crawler "Norconex Minimum Test Page" initialized successfully.
18:49:26.022 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  CRAWLER_RUN_BEGIN - Norconex Minimum Test Page
18:49:26.024 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  HttpCrawler - RobotsTxt support: true
18:49:26.024 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  HttpCrawler - RobotsMeta support: true
18:49:26.024 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  HttpCrawler - Sitemap support: false
18:49:26.024 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  HttpCrawler - Canonical links support: true
18:49:26.443 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  StandardRobotsTxtProvider - No robots.txt found for (404 - Not Found)
18:49:26.448 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  HttpCrawler - 1 start URLs identified.
18:49:26.448 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  Crawler - Crawling references...
18:49:26.450 [Norconex Minimum Test Page/1] INFO  CRAWLER_RUN_THREAD_BEGIN - Thread[Norconex Minimum Test Page/1,5,main]
18:49:26.450 [Norconex Minimum Test Page/2] INFO  CRAWLER_RUN_THREAD_BEGIN - Thread[Norconex Minimum Test Page/2,5,main]
18:49:26.779 [Norconex Minimum Test Page/2] INFO  AbstractFSCommitter - Creating file: ./examples-output/complex/Minimum_32_Config_32_HTTP_32_Collector/Norconex_32_Minimum_32_Test_32_Page/committer/0/2020-12-09T06-49-25-963_1.xml
18:49:26.783 [Norconex Minimum Test Page/2] INFO  DOCUMENT_COMMITTED_UPSERT - - Committers: XMLFileCommitter
18:49:26.785 [Norconex Minimum Test Page/1] INFO  CRAWLER_RUN_THREAD_END - Thread[Norconex Minimum Test Page/1,5,main]
18:49:26.851 [Norconex Minimum Test Page/2] INFO  CRAWLER_RUN_THREAD_END - Thread[Norconex Minimum Test Page/2,5,main]
18:49:26.851 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  Crawler - Reprocessing any cached/orphan references...
18:49:26.853 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  Crawler - Reprocessed 0 cached/orphan references.
18:49:26.853 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  Crawler - 1 reference(s) processed.
18:49:26.854 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  CRAWLER_RUN_END - Norconex Minimum Test Page
18:49:26.855 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  Crawler - Crawler completed.
18:49:26.857 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  Crawler - Crawler executed in 841 milliseconds.
18:49:26.858 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  MVStoreDataStoreEngine - Closing data store engine...
18:49:26.858 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  MVStoreDataStoreEngine - Compacting data store...
18:49:26.869 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  MVStoreDataStoreEngine - Data store engine closed.
18:49:26.869 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  MVStoreDataStoreEngine - Closing data store engine...
18:49:26.869 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  MVStoreDataStoreEngine - Data store engine closed.
18:49:26.871 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  COMMITTER_CLOSE_BEGIN - CommitterEvent[name=COMMITTER_CLOSE_BEGIN]
18:49:26.872 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  COMMITTER_CLOSE_END - CommitterEvent[name=COMMITTER_CLOSE_END]
18:49:26.873 [Norconex Minimum Test Page] INFO  JobSuite - Running Norconex Minimum Test Page: END (2020-12-09T18:49:25.910Z)
18:49:26.875 [Minimum Config HTTP Collector] INFO  JobSuite - Running Minimum Config HTTP Collector: END (2020-12-09T18:49:25.902Z)
18:49:26.877 [Minimum Config HTTP Collector] INFO  COLLECTOR_RUN_END - Minimum Config HTTP Collector
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
            <meta name="title">Norconex HTTP Collector Minimum Test Page</meta>
            <meta name="document.reference"></meta>
            Congratulations! If you read this text from your target repository (e.g. file system, search engine, ...)
                    it means that you successfully ran the Norconex HTTP Collector minimum example.

                    Norconex HTTP Collector

                        Minimum Test Page

                        We are excited that you are trying the Norconex HTTP Collector.

                        This standalone web page was created to help you test your installation is running properly.

                        Once you're done working with this document, make sure to familiarize yourself with the many configuration options available to you
                           on the Norconex HTTP Collector web site:


                    The Next Steps

                    The next logical step is probably to put in a different URL to crawl in the startURLs section of your configuration.
                       The process of changing the start URL is an easy 2 steps process.

                    First step: modify the URL between the following tags


                    Second step: Add or update regular expression to let the crawler know which URL patterns you are now accepting.

                &lt;filter class="com.norconex.collector.core.filter.impl.RegexReferenceFilter" onMatch="include">

                    Now What?

                    There obviously are tons of options available to you now.  You probably want to crawl more than one page,
                    filter out some files such as CSS or Javascript, and much more.  You also want to install a "Committer" for your
                    search engine (or other target repository). Learn how to do all this and more magic using the Norconex HTTP Collector
                    site documentation (above URL).

                    Thank you for using Norconex HTTP Collector!

                    Copyright © 2009-2020 Norconex Inc.. All Rights Reserved.

Clean Up

Cleaning up deployment is easy with Helm, run

helm delete norconex-devops-demo

Output confirmed the Helm deployment delete

release "norconex-devops-demo" uninstalledi

Run the kubectl get all,pv,pvc,cronjob,job,pod will show no resources left.

Build DevOps

Building the continuous development and continuous deployment can be difficult without some automation tools. One of the tool chosen for this demo is Jenkins Server.

Assuming the Kubernetes Cluster to use with this demo has been setup.

Putting the whole pipeline from code commit starting at buiding the container and push to image registry such as docker hub public then deploy using Helm Chart template to create Kubernetes Cronjob so that it will launch new Kubernetes Job which launch Pod to run the Crawl container on schedule time. When the crawl job completes the Kubernetes Persistent Volume will stored the crawlstore data for next incremental re-crawl as the next crawl job runs it will use the same Persistent Volume Claim.

Jenkin Job type Multibranch pipeline

With Jenkinsfile script using host system agent. The build stage are 2 steps, shown below.

pipeline {
    agent none 
    options {
        // Only keep the number of most recent builds
    stages {
        stage('Build Docker Image') {
            agent any
            environment {
                registry = "somphouag/norconex-devops-demo"
                registryCredential = 'dockerLoginSecretCred'
            // Build and push docker image only when in main branch
            when {
                branch "main"
            steps {    
                script {
                    dockerImage = registry + ":$BUILD_NUMBER"
                    docker.withRegistry( '', registryCredential ) {                                                   
                sh "docker rmi $registry:$BUILD_NUMBER"      
        stage('Install Chart') {
            agent any
            // Build and push docker image only when in master branch
            when {
                branch "main"
            steps {
                script {
                  // Install the latest helm v3 chart using the default values.yaml with matching tag $BUILD_NUMBER
                  sh 'helm upgrade demo-collector-chart -i deploy/charts/norconex-devops-demo --set image.tag=$BUILD_NUMBER'


Demo creating container image with Norconex Collector, build using Jenkins and deployment using helm chart






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