MIDAA is a package designed for performing Deep Archetypal Analysis on multiomics data. The documentation can be find here https://sottorivalab.github.io/midaa/
The package is under active development, expect breaking changes (we just changed the tool name ;) ) and incomplete documentation for a bit
I'll try my best to speed this up, if something is broken or you need help please open an issue, do not be shy!
# Soon on pypi
git clone https://github.com/sottorivalab/midaa.git
# you need poetry installed
poetry install
# or
poetry build
pip install dist/*.whl
midaa encodes you multi-modal data into a latent simplex:
midaa leans the matrices
If you are happy with that we have some cool tutorials that will show you how to use MIDAA on real multi-omics data.
Otherwise, the best way to start is to read this or the companion paper and understand what MIDAA actually does in details and what are the parameters you can play with.
A minimal example to run the tool:
import midaa as maa
import scanpy as sc
adata = sc.datasets.pbmc3k_processed()
input_matrix, norm_factors, input_distribution = maa.get_input_params_adata(adata)
narchetypes = 5
aa_result = maa.fit_MIDAA(
narchetypes = narchetypes
Interested in contributing? Check out the contributing guidelines. Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
- Final API Documnetation
- Tutorial math on AA
- Tutorial parameters and networks
- Quick start
- Allow the user to specify its encoder/decoder
- Provide some module builders
- Test batch/covariate correction in latent space
If you have used midaa in your research, consider citing:
@article {milite2024,
author = {Salvatore Milite and Giulio Caravagna and Andrea Sottoriva},
title = {Interpretable Multi-Omics Data Integration with Deep Archetypal Analysis},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.1101/2024.04.05.588238},
publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
URL = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2024/04/09/2024.04.05.588238},
journal = {bioRxiv}
was created by Salvatore Milite. It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
was created with cookiecutter
and the py-pkgs-cookiecutter