This repository contains MSM feature file, final MSM object, codes and pdb structure files, and bootstrap samples used to genarate figures and calculations in the manuscript.
- Python script to calculate the feature values for the conserved and unconserved features of CB1 pdb files
- Python script to calculate the feature values for the conserved and unconserved features of CB2 pdb files
- Python script to generate 1-D scatter plots to project the conserved and unconserved features of CB1
- Python script to generate 1-D scatter plots to project the conserved and unconserved features of CB2
- Separate Numpy files containing conserved and unserved feature values for different PDBs
- Experimentally determined PDB files in different conformational state
- Python script to create the bar plot as shown in Figure 4A.
- Python script to create the bar plot as shown in Figure 4B.
- Python script to generate the bar plots for the structural features for every metastable state. The features for bar plot for every metastable states can be obtained from
- : Python script to calculate mean free passage time between every metastable state
- CB1_state_prob.pkl: Pickle file contains the probabilities belonging to a certain metastable state of each frame of every trajectory. This file can be downloaded from
- CB1_msm_feature_final_clustering.pkl: Pickle file contains cluster indices of each frame of every trajectory. This file can be downloaded from
- CB1_ref_[refstate]_[querystate]_b.pdb : Representative PDB files for each metastable state containing K-L divergence value in the b-factor column.
- Python script to generate the bar plots for the structural features for every metastable state.The features for bar plot for every metastable states can be obtained from
- : Python script to calculate mean free passage time between every metastable state.
- CB2_state_prob.pkl: Pickle file contains the probabilities belonging to a certain metastable state of each frame of every trajectory. This file can be downloaded from
- CB2_msm_feature_final_clustering.pkl: Pickle file contains cluster indices of each frame of every trajectory. This file can be downloaded from
- CB2_ref_[refstate]_[querystate]_b.pdb : Representative PDB files for each metastable state containing K-L divergence value in the b-factor column.
- Python script to generate the scatter plot for CB1 metatable states (Inactive, active, I1, I2, I3, I4) as shown in the Figure 7A.
- Python script to generate the scatter plot for CB2 metatable states (Inactive, active, I1, I2, I3, I4) as shown in the Figure 7B.
- Volume calculations was performed on 100 structures on each metastable state. Calculated volume and N-terminus distance for each metatable state are saved in CB_macrostate[metastable state index]volume_cal.pkl and CB_macrostate[metastable state index]N-terminus_distance.pkl files. These files can be downloaded from
- Python script to generate the bar plots of docking affinities of CB2 selective agonists (JWH-133, HU-308, JWH-015, AM1241) to CB1 metatable states (Inactive, active, I1, I2, I3, I4) as shown in the Figure 7C.
- Python script to generate the bar plots of docking affinities of CB2 selective agonists (JWH-133, HU-308, JWH-015, AM1241) to CB1 metatable states (Inactive, active, I1, I2, I3, I4) as shown in the Figure 7D.
- As mentioned in the manuscript, docking of each ligand was performed on 100 structures on each metastable state. Resultant Docking Energies are saved in CB[1-2]macrostate_pdb[metastable state index]CB2_agonist[lignad index]docking_energy.pkl files. Each file contains 100 docking energies, where each energy is the mean of best three dock poses for a single structure in a metastable state. The indices of JWH-133, HU-308, JWH-015, AM1241 are 1,2,3,4 respectively. These files can be downloaded from
- Docked pdb structures of CB2 selective agonists (JWH-133, HU-308, JWH-015, AM1241) in CB1 (I2 and active) and CB2 (Inactive and active) metastable states.
- This directory contains all pdb and prmtop files necesary for starting MD simulation.
- CB1 apo activation: parameter and trajectory files can be found in the box folder:
- CB2 apo activation: parameter and trajectory files can be found in the box folder:
- CB1 holo active: parameter and trajectory files can be found in the box folder:
- CB1 holo inactive: parameter and trajectory files can be found in the box folder:
- CB2 holo active: parameter and trajectory files can be found in the box folder:
- CB2 holo inactive: parameter and trajectory files can be found in the box folder: