🚀 Features
- packages:
- @sa/scripts: add more commit types according to Apache specifications - by @soybeanjs (5a020)
- @sa/axios: add response to flatRequest when success - by @soybeanjs (aace8)
- projects:
- does the configuration support automatic updates - by @soybeanjs (ffe4c)
- add app error handler - by @soybeanjs (60366)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- projects:
- avoid retrieving cached HTML - by @soybeanjs (75df1)
- fix breadcrumb when activeMenu is parent menu - by @soybeanjs (49092)
- fix refresh token when meet multi requests - by @soybeanjs (5ae17)
- projects): fix(projects:
- fix login redirect - by @soybeanjs (5ccdb)
🛠 Optimizations
- projects: optimize type - by @soybeanjs (4679b)
🏡 Chore
- projects:
- rename script czh to
- by @soybeanjs (01d96) - use json5 resolve env VITE_OTHER_SERVICE_BASE_URL & fix proxy enable - by @soybeanjs (f8b29)
- rename script czh to