Although all the front-end frameworks that i use on regular base mainly Angular2, ReactJS, Vuejs comes with rather a powerful CLI tool that makes the process of creating new project pretty easy, nevertheless, i find myself scaffolding new webpack project whether it is to test quick idea, or to show friend or co-worker something.
Of course i could just create plain HTML file and write everything there, but i like to take advantage of everything webpack offers, from being able to use es6 features to other features like hot reload with webpack dev server and sass processing
- Webpack 3
- Webpack dev server
- Sass
- Babel
- ES6 (es2015 preset)
- Extract Text Webpack plugin
- Html Webpack plugin
- Bulma CSS Framework
- Clone the repository and go into the directory where you cloned the repository ( e.g.
cd webpacke-3-starter
run dev
- will launch your default browserhttp://localhost:8080
and live reload is enabled as you change source filesnpm
run prod
- will bundle everything move move into dist (all minified)
If you have question feel free to reach out to me. ~happy coding