Send and receive encrypted messages on ssb
$ git clone
$ cd ssb-example-pm
$ npm install
$ ./ssb-example-pm.js -h
List messages: ssb-example-pm.js
Send message: ssb-example-pm.js {recp} [message...]
$ ./ssb-example-pm.js @hxGxqPrplLjRG2vtjQL87abX4QKqeLgCwQpS730nNwE=.ed25519 "hello, this is a big secret"
$ ./ssb-example-pm.js
a minute ago you
hello there, this is a big secret
Normally, messages have an object in the content
If content
is a string, that means the message is encrypted -- the string is the base64-encoded ciphertext.
Recipients are hidden, so we try to decrypt.
If successful, the message was for the user:
// list private messages
function listPMs (sbot, selfId) {
// all type: post messages, in order received
// encrypted?
pull.filter(function (msg) { return typeof msg.value.content === 'string' }),
// attempt to decrypt
pull.asyncMap(function (msg, cb) {
sbot.private.unbox(msg.value.content, function (err, content) {
if (content)
msg.value.content = content
cb(null, msg)
// successfully decrypted?
pull.filter(function (msg) { return typeof msg.value.content !== 'string' }),
// render
pull.drain(renderPost.bind(null, selfId), function (err) {
if (err) throw err
To publish, we use to build the message content, and sbot.private.publish
to write to the feed.
Note, the local user is included in the recipients, so we can read our own messages.
function publishPM (sbot, selfId, recpId, msg) {
var recps = (selfId !== recpId) ? [selfId, recpId] : [selfId]
// create the type: post message
var post =
msg, // text content
null, // reply topmost msg
null, // reply parent
null, // mention links
recps // recipient links
sbot.private.publish(post, recps, function (err, msg) {
if (err) throw err