A flux storage mixin for reactjs components. This helps you bind your storage updates to your react classes and a DRY way. Please check out the examples
npm install freighter
This works with facebook's flux implementation/api, and in turn, works with both lcars and cargo-bay work really nice with this mixin.
freighter is a small mixin, and the source should be easy to digest.
When your component mounts, we add store event listeners to listen for store updates.
You are assumed to implement a getStateFromStores method and an array listing the stores you want to watch for updates on, in your Reactjs class.
The best way to use this mixin is to implement a function in your store that will return your component state.
getStateFromStores: function(){
return HelloWorldStore.getDataFromStore();
You can see the example of HelloWorldStore.getDataFromStore().
var HelloWorldStore = merge(CargoBay, {
getDataFromStore: function(){
return HelloWorldData.clonedData();
We were implementing this same flow in a lot of our react classes throughout our flux application. This allowed to be DRY.
npm install
npm run examples
npm install
npm test