Compares squid log with blacklist and reports via e-mail.
ABOUT: Okay. So, logster is just a log parser, that compares requests(urls) from log file to blacklist and e-mails any warnings.
Example of use
: imagine some gov department reveals information about c&c servers of some botnet or hacker attack.
You simply add these c&c ip addresses to blacklist, run logster and it will check any *.log file and e-mail you
if somebody was requesting something from that ip.
- Create "conf.json" containing:
"from": {
"name": "your name",
"email": "your e-mail"
"to": {
"name": "name of recepient 1",
"email": "e-mail of recepient 1"
"to": {
"name": "name of recepient 2",
"email": "e-mail of recepient 2"
"server": "your mail server host",
"port": "port",
"auth": {
"login": "your login",
"password": "your password"
"blacklistPath": "path to file that contains blocked urls or domains or just words: 1 url per line, each line ends with CR LF",
"logFilesPath": "path to folder where .log files stored",
"interval": "log files scanning interval"
} - Put conf.json file in project folder or near executive.
USAGE: you can build and run this branch in windows, also executive can be loaded into windows services using cmd:
logster.exe install
or just run using logster.exe debug
all available comands see using command help.
Scan period can be set in conf.json file (edit "interval" field)